The great snowball fight

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In the spirit of winter, all of the hermits get together in a far off ice biome. Zloy and Pixl are also there because why not.

Everyone helps set up, and it's fun all around. There's ice skating and sledding, plenty of hot coco, Christmas music, and fun all around.
Cheerful Christmas music drifted throughout the hollow walls of the northern ice biome the hermits found themselves in.

Snow and ice as far as the eye could see, streaked with the light of the setting sun and the lanterns that dotted the hillside. The sound of ice skates against packed ice was clear through the air, clear as the cheer filling everyone's senses.

Stressmonster101 skated over the ice, showing off her immense skill. She danced and twirled about under the huge hand made Christmas tree, decorated with every color ornament imaginable. It was incredibly tall, with lights sparkling like stars in the night, which was fast approaching.

Stress skated her way over a hill, now standing above everyone else, letting the last rays of sun illuminate her. She hopped off the ice and onto the snow, clapping her hands and gesturing for Joe Hills, the DJ, to turn the music down.

He obliged, and the loud jingles of bells dulled to the soft chimes of holiday music.

Everyone noticed the shift in audio, and most had their attention directed towards Stress. She then spoke, her English accent holding true. "'Ello everybody! I know this isn't our usual ice biome, and we're a bit far from home but I'd like to welcome you all to the second annual Hermitcraft 6 Christmas party! Thanks everyone for coming, thanks Joe for DJ-ing, and to everyone who supplied food and snacks. Thanks to everyone for helping with the tree, for helping get the supplies.. I truly can't thank everyone enough!" She said, a bright smile on her face. She was jumping with joy, just happy to be here. Happy to live in the moment, surrounded by the people she loved.

Her cheeks glowed red with the cold, but also her happiness. She spread her arms open and up to the sky, laughing a merry laugh only outclassed by Santa Claus himself. "Alright then! Xisuma! Joe! Mind doing the honors?" She asked.

Xisuma from somewhere within the crowd shouted through his helmet a yes, and pulled up the chat to type a command. Soon enough, the clouds in the sky started to give way to snow, as if the gods had poked them with a needle.

Joe at the same time turned up the music, the sound of classic holiday tunes filling the gap in the air. Cheers broke from the crowd as hermits started to skate around each other, chatting and dancing on the ice.

Spirits were high, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. That is, of course, until the first snowball flew.

Who threw it? Nobody knew. Who did it hit? Well it hit Grian. It hit him straight in the head, causing him to spill his drink all over False.

False, having not been looking at Grian, didn't see the snowball, and instead of accepting Grian's heartfelt apology, gathered some snow of her own and threw it at Grian.

Iskall saw a fellow Architect in trouble, and like the true instigator he was gathered his own snow and threw it at false.

Before it could connect, however, a trident was thrown and destroyed it. The owner of the trident was Doc, who had no real reason to join the fight other than the fact that he wanted it get in on the action.

When the tident landed back in Doc's hand, it took not one second before he yelled out "SNOWBALL FIGHT!"


The valley quickly divided into two sides: Red vs. Blue.

Team Red consisted of: Grian, Joe Hills, Mumbo, Doc, Iskall, Xisuma, Bdubs, and Stress

On Team Blue: Cub, Scar, Impulse, False, Tango, Keralis, and Cleo.

Snowballs were exchanged, and the fighting continued. Forts were constructed, more acuratedly two hills of snow, used as cover. Team Red was planing to launch a two-pronged attack, Grian, Mumbo, Bdubs, and Iskall would go in on one side. Iskall would use his sheild to block and create a distraction, while Grian and Mumbo release snowball hell on team Blue.

On the other side, Joehills, Doc, Xisuma, and Stress would elytra in and rain down snow from the sky.

Iskall equipped his shield, jumping up from behind the hill and yelling "FOR SPARTA!" As loud as he could before running towards the team blue base.

On the other side of team Red's base, the elytra squad ignited their rockets and took off, raining down snowballs as soon as team Blue was in sight.

Team blue fought back with all their might, but were unable to fend off the impending attack.

Their base was overrun, and they admitted defeat with their hands up.


Team red decided to document their victory, with Joehills writing on a sign "within these chunks occurred the 'great snowball fight', let it be known that Red Team prevailed!"

A bit dramatic, but everyone decided that they should be allowed to have their fun.

And as I do say that, be reminded that the holiday season is one for fun. Weather your fun be with family, friends, or even alone, make sure you have fun this winter, because that is what the holiday spirit really is.


Hi! I write this as I hide away from my family so excuse the errors. I know this is short I'm sorry.

Hope y'all have fun this holiday season!

-yours, Sothis

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