School nights! (3)

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Thanks a million guys!

Xisuma nodded, and brought his hands to his neck, letting them trail up before reaching the bottom of his helmet. He then flicked a small switch at the base of the helmet, and it released from his head. He then pulled it off, to reveal his face.

The boy had a line of white and pink scar tissue over his left eye, which had a glassy white look to it, was completely devoid of color or life. Xisuma was ashamed of his lame eye, even though Mumbo constantly told him he didn't have to worry about it.

The boy otherwise had normal features, light tufts of fawn hair, and an eye of Granny Smith green. He had a soft jawline, and a pretty standard appearance outside of his scar.

When he took his helmet off, he set it down on a nearby workable and turned to Mumbo. "Hey Mumbs? I hate to ask this of you, but can you fix up my helmet again? Just make sure the visor is 100% opaque, and adjust anything that need-"

Before the boy could finish, he was cut off. "X, you know you look just fine. The scar changes nothing about you.." Mumbo said. It might have been generic, but it's how he truly felt. He took a few steps closer, and let his hand rests on Mumbos cheek.

He slowly let his thumb brush over Xisuma's scar, being gentle. He had a small and sheepish smile that made Xisuma's cheeks flair a bright pink.

Xisuma cleared his throat and looked down, letting his shoulders sag. "I know.. I know.. but, please?" He said, shifting his weight back a bit so Mumbos hand was forced to leave his cheek.

Mumbo waved his hand off dismissively, "yeah yeah. I'll help.. but.. I.." he kept his mouth open for a second, as if he were to say something, but then closed it. He sucked in his breath, and let out a sigh before beginning anew. "Never mind. I'll help, just sit tight for a sec while I work out the kinks."

Mumbo took a step towards the bench, and grabbed the helmet. He then inspected it. It was in complete working order, but the systems could do with a clean.

He took a few strides towards the shelf on the back wall, and grabbed his toolbox. He also grabbed a rag nearby on the shelf. He took the bright yellow box and ratty blue rag over to the helmet and grabbed a screwdriver.

As he was doing this, Xisuma went back to working on his command block, tweaking this and doing that.


Around halfway an hour passed, but both the boys eye lids had grown heavy, their workaholic mentalities had caught up to them. Mumbo let out a yawn as he finished working on the helmet. He shuffled over to Xisuma and handed him the helmet.

The scared boy took it happily, placing it over his head. He nodded once as the displays in his helmet flickered to life, and thanked Mumbo.

Xisuma then popped the hood back on his command block, and pressed a button on the side of it. The command block shrunk down significantly in size, and Xisuma plunked it right into his pocket.

"It's getting a bit late.. plus it's a school night. I better get going." Xisuma yawned out. Of course, the pair were next door neighbors, so it wouldn't be an arduous journey home. Mumbo nodded and flashed a quick smile to Xisuma.

He opened his arms for a hug, "yeah, see you tomorrow." Mumbo quickly wrapped his arms around Xisuma, and Xisuma returned the hug with a sheepish grin.

The technopath then said his goodbyes, opened the garage door, and sauntered off.

Mumbo extinguished the lights, and made his way inside, not bothering to put his toolbox back on the shelf, as the table would do for now.

The blonde made his way through the empty halls of his house. His parents were out of town, as they usually were, which left Mumbo alone after hours. Not that he minded. He liked the quiet.

Not feeling hungry, Mumbo decided to just run upstairs to bed. He popped into the shower, did a quick rinse, and changed into clean clothes.

The boy then grabbed his phone, switched off the lights, and hopped into bed.

Mumbo sat there browsing for a little bit, checking his Instagram and Twitter. Mumbo decided to pop in on YouTube to check his notifications. He cleared them, and not seeing anything of note, decided to plug his phone in and go to sleep.


Xisuma walked the short distance from Mumbos driveway to his house, closing the garage door behind him.

As he walked into his house, the sound of his parents fighting shook the walls.

Xisuma cringed a bit, slipping off his shoes and holding them in his hands he carefully walked through the house, minding his steps. His parents liked to argue, but whenever he was around they usually just yelled at him.

Xisuma usually spent his weekends and the time after school at Mumbos, as he was usually home alone. The helmeted boy liked to avoid his parents, but that wasn't always possible. However today he seemed blessed with good luck, for he was able to make it to his room with little issue.

Xisuma put his shoes in his closet, and deciding he didn't need a shower that night, changed into a shirt and shorts.

The boy slowly removed his helmet and sat it to the side, before pulling up a small display of blue holograms, projecting from his helmet.

He pulled up text, and decided to message a friend, Impulse. Nobody really knew his name's origin, but everyone called him that anyway. He shot Impulse a text.

Hey impulse! Can you pick me up for school tomorrow?
Sent 8:43pm
Read 8:44pm

Sure thing X, pick you up at 8:00?
Sent 8:44
Read 8:44

Sounds good.
Thanks! <3
Sent 8:44
Read 8:44

Impulse started to type up another message, but Xisuma turned off the screen as he was far to tired to keep his eyes open any longer.

Xisuma snuggled up to his pillow and closed his eye, drifting off to sleep mercifully fast.


Hi! This chapter was kinda filler-y and I apologize. Next chapter we'll get tons of new characters so look forward to that!

Also side note: I'm thinking of writing a grammar/writing tips book. Let me know if you're interested.

Yours, the writer.

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