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Listen to the music I attached whilst reading this. You won't regret it. It helps you connect more to the story.😫♥️

Steve's POV:

I walked into the Avengers Facility this morning and noticed that Nat seemed not herself. It's been two years since we lost to Thanos and I think she's really frustrated because she can't find Clint. They are such good friends but no one knows where he's been since Thanos.

I decided to try and cheer her up with one of my jokes but then before I went over there I realised that the joke was funny in 1945 and probably not in 2020. Nat has always had those moments where she's felt a little down but not like this, not for three weeks straight. She was slumped on the sofa with a hot cup of coffee and was flicking through channels on the TV in the main room without actually noticing what was on.

I decided to go and sit by her and cheer her up. I said "What's up Nat? Why you so sad? Is there anything I can do?" She looked at me and said "Steve it's been two years. Two years and we've done nothing. Tony's gone ghost mode on us and hasn't contacted HQ even though he's your best friend and as for friends, I can't seem to locate Clint. I miss him. I owe him so much."

Being her best friend I put my arm around her and comforted her and assured her that everything was going to be okay. She leant into my shoulder as I hugged her and as soon as she did that, I didn't want to let go. I felt like we both needed someone to help during this different time and I realised, at that moment, we could be there for each other.

Natasha's POV:

It's been shit. A shit two years but recently a shit three weeks. Three weeks ago I managed to receive word that Clint was in Mexico but when I sent a strike team to find him, it wasn't him. I really hope that Thanos hasn't snapped him away. Although suddenly my day improved when Steve walked in. Steve always knows how to make me laugh and so I prepared myself for one of his elderly jokes, but it didn't happen.

Instead he came and sat beside me as I watched TV and asked me if I was okay. He guessed straight away that something was wrong. He's so good like that. That's what I love about Steve. He put his arm around me and I leant into his shoulder for comfort. It was so nice. I felt like I wasn't alone anymore. I had Steve. And he had me. I didn't want to move my head. I felt safe and happy in his arms. I lay in his chest for a good 20minutes before we decided to get up and move. I wish we could have stayed there longer. He's the perfect best friend I never knew I needed until today.

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