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It's now been... now been three... maybe four.... I don't know... weeks since Thanos snapped and half the universe became dust. I'm fine. I'm coping. I have Steve. But a part of me still feels incomplete. I lost so many people close to me. They were my family. If I'd have lost Steve too then I don't know what I'd have done. My life wouldn't have been worth living. I'm sat down lying on Steve and I'm thinking to myself 'Would more could we have done?' But the same answer comes back... nothing.

Steve is stroking my hair and he's got the NFL game on. However it's an old recording because the whole NFL teams were dusted away. He's watching a game from 2017. He'd made me a cup of hot chocolate and also fetched me a blanket. So we were kind of having a chilled afternoon watching the TV and just enjoying being in each other's company. I was fiddling with my new engagement ring becuase I was bored of the match. I realised my ring symbolised hope. Hope that with Steve I'll be happier, safer and more protected than I was with all the avengers in one room. Steve alone has the power to make me feel the safest. Being in his company was no longer a job but a privilege. I love him and I love how hard he tries to make me see that everything is gonna be okay.

Natasha is lying on me with a blanket over her and she appears to be quite cold. I'm stroking her hair but I begin to rest my hand on her head and stroke her cheek with my thumb. Softly. Gently. Making sure she knew I was always there for her.

The afternoon was going really well when suddenly the building started shaking. I thought it was an earthquake so I grabbed Natasha's head and brought it towards my chest to protect her from damage. It would kill me to see her get hurt. However we heard a noise that sounded like a ship. I quickly ran into the bedroom and grabbed a jacket for me and my hoodie for Nat and we ran out to see what it was. It was Carol. She was carrying a ship. Tony's ship. God I hope he's on there. I hope they're all on there. I grabbed Nat's hand to make sure she didn't get hurt. We ran to the entrance of the ship and there was Tony and who I now know is a person called Nebula who is actually more metal than human. Also a raccoon who apparently is called Rocket. I took one look at Natasha and could see she was just as confused as me.

Everyone had been called to the facility and when I saw Tony come out of the door I ran to embrace my best friend. Obviously we had had fights in the past but I was gonna put it all behind me because he was safe. I know that seeing him alive gave Natasha hope about the others. As I helped him off the ship, Nat came up behind me and leant her hands on my shoulder and I could tell she was scared. This was a big moment. We'd finally found Tony. I held her in my arms as she cried for Tony. She was crying of joy and I gave her the tightest hug and said "See Nat. I told you everything is gonna be okay. You just had to trust me. You have to trust me." She whispered in my ear "I do trust you."

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