A sudden mistake

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As I lay next to my sleeping wife, she moved around and re positioned herself to be lying on my shoulder. The babies were quietly sleeping in their cots beside the bed and I just lay back and rested too. As I lay back, I felt Natasha's hand slide up from my stomach to my pec which made me open my eyes. "Hello my darling." I whispered down to her. She smiled and let out a small breath of air through her nose before stretching and returning to the position she was lying in. "Are the babies okay?" She finally said. "Look." I pointed at the cot. Jake was sucking his thumb and Natalie was asleep with her little mouth open. "Babies really are the most beautiful gift of all arent they?" I smiled and kissed her glowing red hair. "Yes they certainly are." She rubbed my chest softly and returned to her sleeping position.

I couldn't sleep. I felt like I had to stay awake incase the babies wake up and need something. Which was exactly what happened. Natalie had woken up and began to quietly cry. Natasha didn't notice as she was asleep so I slowly got up and walked around to the cot. Praying I didn't wake Jake up, I gently lifted Natalie up and held her in my arms. Instead of holding her tiny body over my shoulder, I held her in the crest of my arm like how a mother holds their new born for the first time. The doctor called it the footbal hold position. To stop her from crying and waking up the other two, I sat in the chair next to our bed and held my finger out for her to suck. Using her tiny little hands she grasped my finger like it was a bottle and sucked gently.

Suddenly when all was quiet and the only noise you could hear was Natalie sucking, the big landline phones began to ring. Natalie and Jake burst into tears because I think they were scared and Natasha jumped up startled. I got up quickly and ran to the phone still holding my little girl.

"Hello? This is Steve."

"Hey Steve it's Pepper. Is Natasha there? She's not answering her phone so I wanted to double check all was good with the baby?"

"Hey Pepper. Yeh Natasha is all good and the babies are fine. They got very scared when the phone rang so I'm trying to calm one down whilst Nat works on the other."

"Babies? Wow Twins. Natasha must be happy."

"She's over the moon. She's so happy and it's lovely to see her when she's happy. You should pop over later with Morgan if you like?"

"Thanks Steve but i was wondering if I could come tomorrow instead? Only because Morgan has school and I think she'd want to come and meet your children."

"Tomorow works great for us. See you tomorrow."

"Yes and take care of Nat. New mothers can get very tired very quickly."

"Will do. Bye."

Whilst Steve was on the phone I was trying everytging I could to quieten Jake down. He was so scared of the noise and no matter how many times I cradled him close to me and swayed in the bed and bobbed him up and down, he didn't stop. When Steve came off the phone he ran over to Jake and placed Natalie down on the bed. He took Jake straight from me and tried to calm him down. He was gently speaking to him trying to stop the crying at least. When he couldn't get Jake to stop he passed him back to me. "It's ok Jakey it's okay. Mummy's here. You're ok." I said to him over and over again whilst giving him little kisses. Eventually he stopped crying and just sniffed and I was able to relax. "You're a good boy. It's ok. Shh shh shh. It's ok. Mummy's here." I continued to say. Even when he had quietened down. Steve handed me a tissue for me to wipe his eyes dry and his nose. "There we go. That was a big fuss over nothing wasn't it? You're all better now baby." I said as I wiped his eyes. He had beautiful blue eyes which weren't a surprise considering myself and Steve also had blue eyes. They were sparkling against his tears. Steve leaned forward and picked up Natalie who was quietly laying beside my leg on the bed. He then handed her to me and whispered "Do you think they need feeding again?" I laughed and then realised that the reason Jake was crying for so long was maybe because he was hungry.

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