Back with her

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As I ran my cold, smooth hands along her back, she would flinch at the chill. She never shied away from me though and she pulled me towards her lips. They smashed together and it led into a passionate kiss. She didn't stop. Breathing heavily through her nose she was practically inhaling me. It felt good. Her tongue against mine. Kissing Natasha felt different from kissing Peggy. Although I haven't kissed Peggy since like 1945 but it had a different feeling to this. She began running her fingers through my hair and brought my head into her bare breast. Whilst kissing her I held it in my hand. She let out an irregular breath, different from the rest.

I began to search for her opening. I knew I'd found it when she let a small noise that sounded like a tiny little scream. "Wait just gimme a second." She said to me before I entered. I stopped and looked at her, stroking her hair behind her ears. "Okay I'm ready." She said. As I entered her it felt amazing. She let out a small 'ooo' noise under her breath. I began to move around inside her. Back and fourth. She felt amazing. I leaned in to kiss her and as I did she clenched the sheets with her fist and thrusted her head forward. Of which I place my hand on her chest and push her back. I begin to pick up the pace which sends her into her first orgasm. Her breathing picks up the pace and starts to intensify. She was so wet that when I went agasint her you could hear it.

I couldn't control myself. Not when it came to him. I let go. I was in a lot of good and happy pain. As he got even faster, I began smiling through it and begged him not to stop. Eventually as I peaked, he released inside me. His product felt amazing as I felt it seep out. He kissed me softly to tell me he was done before heading to the bathroom to clean up. Whilst he was in the bathroom, I just layed back and looked up at the ceiling and thought what a wonderful life I have with Steve. He came out of the bathroom, still naked. And jumped into bed with me who was still lying there. I turned over to look at Steve who just smiled and kissed my lips. Before turning out his light and going to sleep. Once he was asleep, I rested my head on his pec of which he let out a laugh through his nose and leant his arm around my naked body, pulling me closer. I was asleep instantly.

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