This could be it

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I woke up this morning and I felt really really sick. I ran to the bathroom and vomited down the toilet. Usually when I'm sick I hate it. But it could be a sign. The best sign. Steve obviously heard me and so woke up and start knocking gently on the door. "Natasha is everything okay in there hunnny?" He said softly.
"Yeah but I'm gonna need another pregnancy test. I think it's happening." Suddenly I heard Steve running down the stairs. I had no idea where he went but I heard the main front door slam. I was in the bathroom for 20 minutes before I felt well enough to come out. When I came out I lay on the bed on my side and held onto Steve's pillow. I was tired after being sick and I just lay waiting for him to come back. When he did, he stumbled through the door manically. He saw me lying on my side and immediately dropped everything. He ran over and slowly climbed onto the bed. He held me close to him and placed his hand right hand on my stomach and rested into my neck. "Is everything okay? Are you feeling okay?" He whispered in my ear. I turned my body round to face him. "Kind of. I'm sorry for causing such a fuss." I responded. He kissed my now exposed forehead and said "You have done nothing wrong. You're my little angel." I nestled into his neck and he rested his hand softly on my cheek, stroking it calmly with his thumb.


I sat upright facing her and gently sat her up. I handed her the glass of water that was on the bed side table. She drank little sips at a time and eventually handed me back the cup. As I placed the cup back on the side, she grabbed my arm to get my attention. "I'm ready to take another test." I placed my hand on her cheek and said "Are you sure? You've only just gotten over the previous one and I hate seeing you so upset Nat it breaks my heart." She smiled and wiped a tear from my eye. I struggle to see Nat in distress so of course I couldn't hide my sadness. The only other time I cried was when we lost Tony at the battlefield and also his funeral. I tried so hard to hide it from Nat but she could see straight through me. She got out of bed and stood up slowly. I offered her my hand as she was still quite peaky. I could see it in her face. She walked over to the stuff I had just ditched earlier and she pulled out a pregnancy test. "Okay here goes nothing." She said as she walked into the bathroom. I was sat on the edge of the bed facing the bathroom.  I was so nervous. I know how much she really wanted a baby. A new start. If she can't get pregnant then its my fault because of my serum experiment back in 1945. If I can't give her a child then I fear she will leave. I couldn't bare that thought. I heard the toilet flush and suddenly the door opened. I couldn't tell. Her face was so blunt. She came and sat beside me. I rested my hand on her thigh. I looked at the test. It was still loading. Oh my god I was so nervous when she came out that it was negative. In fact I'd still be nervous if it was positive. She kept looking at the test an then back at me as if I would be able to influence the result. Suddenly it loaded. No way.

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