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It's been 6 years. We saved everyone. Not everyone. We lost Tony. Ill never forgive myself for not doing more. I got Natasha back using the stones. I couldn't be happier to have her back but since losing Tony, a part of me is missing. But now I have a chance to live my life because I know that we've won. We did it. Natasha and I can become a family. Just like we've always wanted. She was spending the day with Pepper and Morgan. Morgan's now 11 and we all know has had a rough 6 years so Natasha likes to be like the glorified aunt to Morgan and come and help Pepper whenever she can.

When Nat came through the door, she came over to where I was sat scrolling through the TV and sat beside me. Without saying hello or anything she said "I want a child. A baby. With you. As soon as possible." I turned off the TV and stared at her for a while before she smiled and nodded. She's spent way too much time with Morgan. Morgan was a cute child but now Nat wants a child. "Seriously?" Was my final response. "Yes. More than anything Steve. I love you and I want to raise a baby together. Plus you'd be an amazing father. Trust me. You care for me like I'm your child so why wouldn't you be good with an actual one." I laughed and as I got up to walk away, Nat grabbed my arm and pulled my back down. She placed her hand on my pecs and began to kiss my neck. "We obviously don't have to start trying straight away. But I think a baby would be wonderful in the foreseeable future." She then worked her way up to my lips. When our lips met, she let out a breath through her nose as she smiled. She placed her hand on my cheek and began stroking it with her thumb.

I think a baby will be a new start for us. I'd love to have one with Steve. He's such a caring person. Imagine what he'd be like with a baby. I got up from kissing him and walked away. I wanted to go and get my phone but as I took a step away from the bed, he grabbed my hand. I turned and looked at him. He smiled and said "I do want a baby." I smiled and walked off. When I came back, Steve was under the covers watching a movie and the curtains were closed and lights off. I was only gone for like 20 minutes. I had made a peanut butter sandwich which doesn't even take that long but clearly longer than I thought.

I literally couldn't see anything but the nearest light was my bedside so I put my sandwich down and reached for the light. Eventually I found it and when I switched it on, Steve was crying. Well he definitely had been before I came in. "Steve? What's wrong?" I said to him softly as I knelt on the bed. "Is it Tony? Is it getting to you?" I placed my hand on his hair and began stroking it whilst holding his hand in the other.
"Nat it's hard. I didn't want you to ever see me like this. But it's coming up to the one year anniversary since we lost him and it's gonna affect me." Awh my poor baby. I felt so sorry for him. Tony played a huge part in his life and losing him has changed Steve. "I don't want to waste anymore time. I want to take every opportunity thrown at me to live my life properly. For Tony's sake. I want a baby Natasha. As soon as you would like. Tony would want us to move on with our lives." I smiled and kissed him.

As she kissed me, she let out a little laugh through her nose. I turned over so that I was hovering over her. As Tony would say, no opportunity should go wasted. I began kissing her lips again and then moved down to her neck. She was still stroking my hair. I slid my hands up her jumper to feel her warm skin flinch against my cold hands. "Sorry" I said before laughing quietly. She smiled and said "I don't mind." I felt along her back and her shoulder blades.

In the past six years we have had sex like frequently. It's not like this is the first time since we lost Tony. We'd often have it to hide our pain from losing tony and to make ourselves feel happy. And we did. We did feel happy. Every single time.

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