The Question

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It was nice to see Bucky. He always seems so charming. After we waved bye to Bucky I ran upstairs to do my test. As I was sat waiting for the results I thought about all the different ways to tell Steve about the baby. Do I tell him straight out? Do I make him a nice meal and tell him? Do I tell him when we're in bed? Ooooo I don't know but I'm so excited. As I read the results my heart sinks. It felt like someone had shot me repeatedly in the chest. 'Not pregnant'. Reading those words tore me apart. I wanted to tell Steve how sad I was but I couldn't without ruining the surprise. Instead I put on a brave face and came downstairs. Steve makes me a cup of coffee and a peanut butter sandwich and brings it over to me because I'm sat on the sofa. He placed it down on the coffee table infront of me and then sat next to me. I was sad because of the failed pregnancy test but Steve didn't know this so I tried to put on a brave face. He could see right through me though. No surprise. He grabbed me and put his arms around me, pulling me right into him. He gave me the fattest hug, kissing my head. I began to cry. I felt myself having no choice but to tell him about the test.

"Steve I should probably tell you something." I said eventually. He looked down at me and smiled.
"What is it Natasha?" Steve said.
"I tried to get pregnant. For you. For us. As an anniversary gift. But I can't. I can't get pregnant. I just took a test. It's really bothered me." He wiped my tears from my bloodshot eyes and rubbed my back saying,

"I can't believe you thought I wouldn't figure it out. I'd be able to tell you were pregnant Natasha. You'd have a massive bump before the baby came."

"I just hope that I can get pregnant eventually because I want to have a baby of our own Steve. One that you can father and one I can carry."


She burst into more tears as I held her in my arms. She was so traumatised. I comforted her by giving her small kisses every now and again before bringing her chin up to meet mine and kissing her lips. The kiss was slow and genuine. She turned her body round to face me so that the impact of our kiss was more powerful. "If you want a baby we can go make a baby. But can we do it upstairs?" I whispered in her ear. Her face lit up.

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