We told them.

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Bruce handed me Tony's medical analysis. I was sat next to Natasha on the sofa. I leant forward and rest my wrists on both knees. I was hunched over as I read this paperwork. It said that Tony was fit to fight again in 2-3 months if he wanted but I think he was still in frustration and anger. Nat rested her hand on my back and began to comfort me by gently rubbing me. I then turned my head to look at her, smiled and then returned to the paperwork. She rested her left hand on my arm and her head near the top of my arm. She continued to stroke my back. I got my right hand and moved it underneath my left arm to reach out for her hand. I continued to read the analysis report whilst holding her hand.

He really was the best in knowing how to comfort me when I was nervous. He held my hand like I was his child. His hand was soft, like a baby. He was also very warm and i was cold. He moved his hand into a position where he could hold mine and warm it up. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. It was Carol. We didn't know much about Carol. She had only just joined us. Literally since Thanos. She came here looking for Nick Fury about two weeks ago. She seemed restless all the time, stressed. We heard her story about how she knew Director Fury when he was younger. Apparently life long friends. Anyway, she was knocking and so I removed myself from Steve. There's no doubt that she saw me but we pretended we were both just reading the analysis.

"Tony's up. He's walking. Come through. He may be able to give us information." She said. She then walked out the room and closed the door behind her.

Steve looked at me with promising eyes. "Come on *kisses me* let's go. How bad can it be?" He then gets up and takes my hand and slowly pulls me up. Instead of beginning to walk to the door, he pushed my hair off my face and just embraced me into a hug. He swayed gently and slowly as if he was cradling me as a baby. He then said "I promise it'll be okay Nat. If he goes to far as to mention something that you don't want to hear, I'll stop him straight away I promise. I love you." OMG he's HONESLTY the sweetest man ever. I love him so much.

After about an hour of discussing and disagreements and arguing, Tony eventually settled down. Nat left the room half way through the discussion. I went into my bedroom which was where I found Nat. I sat down beside her and told her we had a chance. A girl or robot- I don't know to be honest- said she knew where Thanos was. We could get the stones. Bring everyone back. She looked at me, got up straight away and ran straight downstairs into the HQ room. I ran after her but I certainly underestimated how fast she ran. When I ran into the room I heard he shout "Can we get the stones?" They began to nod and Bruce said "How do we know doing this won't end up ending the same way it did before?" And then Carol said something that I assume was sarcastic or rude because there was a negative waft of energy in the room. Nat then bursted out and said "If there's even a small chance we owe it to everyone who's not in this room to try." Nat glanced over at me and I could tell she meant Clint. I love how much hope the smallest bit of information gives her.

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