Day Off

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Earlier this morning I received a phone call from General Ross saying that I was to take a break from looking for Clint and from carrying and leading the avengers into finding the missing people and Thanos. Of course Steve agreed that I was to take a day off to go and do something but where do we go now they're gone? I was so lost. I didn't want to rest I wanted to find them. All those people. Tony, Wanda, Bucky, Peter, Sam, T'challa and of course Clint. I couldn't just give up. Who would do this? This job. I owe the world everything and I'm not giving up.

I spoke to Nat about going out for the day. To see a movie. Or to do something other than sit at a computer whilst communicating with Carol and Rhodes about what's going on where they are. When I suggested a movie her eyes opened wider and I could tell she wanted to go but couldn't decide. I came closer to her and hugged her from behind. I said "Nat everything will be ok, I promise." And she turned around and rested her head on my chest as we continued to hug and said "How do you know? How do you know that everyone we know who disappeared is okay?" I rubbed her back in comfort and said "I don't. But I do know they'd want us to live our lives to the best we could and not waste it." I wiped away a tear that fell from her left eye and slowly went in to give her a kiss of reassurance. It was long and slow but it was passionate. Her lips were trembling as I pulled away.

Steve pulled away slowly and just looked into my eyes. He cares so much about me and hates it when I'm upset. I love him but I don't know how much he loves me back. Does he love me enough to share children and to spend the rest of our lives together? I don't know but I really hope so.


After discussing for ages about what to do, Steve grabbed me and lifted me up, wedding day style, and sat me down in front of the big 100inch flat screen Tv that Tony installed for the facility. I don't know what he was doing but I assumed he wanted to watch a movie. He sat down beside me on the sofa and I snuggled into his chest as he scrolled through the movies. We eventually settled with Titanic but I never fought him over what to watch.

I could see Nat was worried and scared but as she snuggled into my chest as the beginning credits rolled, I put my arm around her and pulled her closer and tighter to my chest. I never planned to let go. I kissed the top of her head gently and she looked up at me with sad puppy dog eyes. She then reached up and kissed me back before getting on top of me and before I knew it we were properly making out on the sofa. She was so light as she sat on me. I couldn't see the screen no longer. All I could see was her. That's all I wanted to see. I didn't want to have sex on a sofa that everyone in the facility uses in a room that probably had security cameras thanks to Tony so after a while we stopped kissing but she remained on top of me. She placed her head on my shoulder as she rested by my neck and sat up against the sofa arm rest and her legs spread across my thighs. She was holding onto me very tightly and would occasionally kiss my neck as the film progressed.

It got to the famous scene between Jack and Rose when they are at the front of the ship with their arms spread out. It was then that I realised I didn't want to watch the rest of the film. I wanted to have sex with the love of my life. I whispered to him "I've seen this movie before. I know what happens. Can we go back to the bedroom? I want to do stuff with you?" And without responding, he grabbed me the same way as he did earlier and switched off the movie and carried me to his room. He placed me gently on the bed and began to unbutton his shirt.

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