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I had to head out to the pharmacy today. Mainly because I've been really sick recently. I don't think I'm pregnant but I always make sure I double check. A sick bug has been going around the work place. Rhodey has it and Bucky has it too. But because I'm a woman, Pepper told me it's always good to check. I kissed Steve goodbye as I headed out. He didn't know that I was going to the pharmacy because I told him I was planning on meeting Pepper again.

As I walked down the street, I saw kids playing on bikes and others playing in their gardens and it made me smile. Children are such a gift and I think it's time I had one. I'm making a promise to myself that if I'm not pregnant this time then I will be next time. I couldn't wait any longer. Plus Steve will 100% be the best father in the world. He's the most kind and considerate gentleman I've ever met. He cares about everyone and everything. I'd give that children everything a mum could offer. Just as my biological parents couldn't give me.

I walked into to the pharmacy and as I was paying, the cashier looked at me and clearly recognised me as one of earth's mightiest heroes. "Are you Natasha? As in the Black Widow? You're so awesome." I smiled and laughed. "Wait you're pregnant? Is it an Avengers baby? Who's the dad? Is it like someone really cool?" I smiled and said in awkwardness "It's not for me." Before letting out a little laugh. The cashier wasn't stupid but didn't bother correcting me. I thanked him and walked out just staring down at the packaging. I pulled out my phone to text Pepper to tell her I bought it. As I texted her I got an incoming call from Steve. My heart was pounding. I felt like I was doing something illegal because I was keeping this from him.

"Hey just to let you know that Bucky will be here when you get home?"

"Okay I'll only be a few minutes I'm just on my way back. Pepper wasn't in so I'm coming home."

"Oh that's a shame. See you in a minute then."

Thank god. I was really worried he'd found out somehow.

Bucky was coming over for a few drinks only because he says he's been feeling really lonely. I felt bad so obviously I invited him over to the HQ. Natasha and I still live in the Avengers Facility because we are aware Thanos isn't the only villain on the planet. Especially in New York. Therefore we thought it would be safer this way. And Tony wouldn't have wanted this place to go to waste. It did belong to him after all.

For our wedding anniversary I wanted to get Natasha something special. Something she wanted more than anything. A baby. But not just adopt one but actually have one of our very own. I was gonna talk to bucky about how to subtly ask her without giving too much away.

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