Late night

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Steve's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night and saw that Nat had fallen asleep on my chest. I tried not to move too much because otherwise I'd wake her. I was so comfortable with her lying on me and I could tell that she was comfortable next to me. I moved slightly to get up because I needed a drink of water. I managed to get to the kitchen without waking her up. Or so I thought.

I turned around and she was stood in the doorway. Not only was she awake but she had taken one of my shirts and was wearing it. "Nat it's 2am what are you doing awake. Go back to bed." I said. "I heard you get up. I wanted to check if you were okay. I was also cold so I borrowed one of your shirts." Of course I had no problem with her wearing one of my shirts because at least now they'll smell like her perfume.

After getting myself a glass of water, we returned to my room and just sat on the bed. I started reading my book because I couldn't sleep and Nat just lay beside me. She was awake but was quiet. Just laying beside me. Her head was resting on my chest. I decided to turn out the light and put my book away and just stare into her eyes. Her eyes were like pools of water. If I fell in I may never come up for air.

Natasha's POV:

I saw Steve get up and so I followed him to the kitchen. This was after I put on his shirt because I was cold. It smelled like him. His aftershave smell was so masculin it made me feel so safe and comfortable. He saw me in the kitchen and took me back to his room. He was reading his book and I was getting bored of us not doing anything. There was no way I was going to waste a perfect opportunity to have sex with him.

He put down his book and he began to stare at me. We stared at each other for a while before he leaned in to kiss me. We started to fully make out before I rolled on top of him. We continued to kiss whilst I was on him. He started to unbutton the shirt I was wearing until I had nothing on. I was completely naked and just lying on him. It felt amazing.

I could tell he was too tired to have sex so we decided that we wouldn't. I rolled off of him and just lay there, naked, beside him. He pulled the covers over me to make sure I was warm. I felt safe. I trusted him. I knew I could make it work between us even though I've always been scared to fall in love. He put his arm around me and I attached myself to him. I eventually fell asleep in his arms and he fell asleep with me.

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