Phone call

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I woke up to Nat lying naked next to me. It was 8:30am and we had work to do. Rhodes and Okeye were due to come to the avengers facility today to talk over a new plan to get everybody back. I miss Sam. I miss Bucky and I miss everyone.

I got up and went downstairs and left Nat sleeping. She didn't have to get up right away. I decided to make her breakfast in bed and when I bought it up to her she was awake and laying up with the covers covering her body. I placed it down in front of her and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead. My phone then began to ring and so I sat on the edge of the bed and answered it while Nat ate her breakfast.

It was only secretary Ross. He was asking me if I had any new intel about Thanos. Of course I told him no. I was talking to Ross about how he is coping with all the sudden losses of agents and suddenly Nat grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards her. I had to hang up the phone suddenly because she wasn't letting go.

She pulled me back so that my head was lying on her and she was looking over me and stroking my hair. She then slowly leant down and was about to kiss me before I grabbed her and flipped her over so that I was lying down and she was on top of me. She began to passionately kiss my lips and began working her way down my neck and chest and was stoking me. As she unbuttoned my trousers she said to me "There's nothing that can stop us having sex now Steve." And then she pulled my trousers down.


I slowly began pulling his trousers down when he grabbed me and pulled me back up to his face and we just french kissed for ages before he eventually stripped off naked and was lying under me naked. I felt his dick beneath me and it felt amazing. I couldn't believe I was doing this with Steve but he's so hot how could I not?

Suddenly whilst passionately kissing his warm soft lips he flipped me over so that he was hanging over the top of me. Ready to put his dick in me. I continued to lie back and just let him do all the work as he started off slowly and picked up the pace. He got so fast and it started to hurt so much but it felt so good. I clenched the bed sheets with my hands and they formed a fist shape. Soon afterwards I felt him ejaculate and I realised it was over. But he could tell I was living in the moment and so he took his dick out and took me to the bathroom.

My legs were in so much pain. I can't remember the last time I had sex and so couldn't remember what it felt like until now. He was running me a hot bubble bath whilst I just sat there shivering. I was cold and naked and the bathroom was cold anyway. He gave me his dressing gown and he put his spare one on and he sat me down on his lap whilst we waited for the bath to fill up. He pulled me into his shoulder and I just leant into him. Listening to the pouring water as he occasionally kissed my hair. It was amazing. That feeling of safety. He was the one.

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