Leave her alone

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After the meeting, everyone went home. We knew we'd be heading out to outer space in the next few days and neither I nor Nat had been to space before. She was scared. I was scared. I was clearing up the work space and headed up to my room when I heard shouting upstairs. It was Nat's voice. I dropped everything immediately which involved smashing a plate on the floor, and ran up the stairs to my room. Nat was crying on the bed and Bruce walked past me before I ran into the room. As I walked past him he looked sheepish and nervous of me. I heard the door slam and a car drive away as I quickly ran over and knelt beside Nat's bed side. I stroked her hair with my left hand and placed my finger on my right hand on her lips to quieten her down. I sat her up and sat beside her. I leaned her into my chest and began comforting her.

"Sweetheart what an earth happened?" I said eventually after wiping one of her tears.

"Bruce got angry that we weren't a thing. That I quit on him and wanted to future with him. I then got angry and he made me cry." She replied. To be honest I thought he'd hit her or something worse. I didn't know how to answer it so I eventually came up with this:

"Nat baby. You loved Bruce but you weren't in love with him. He was kind to you and you liked that about him. The way you look at him is different to the way you look at me isn't it?" She nodded. "Therefore maybe the reason you got angry was because you were frustrated and scared to admit that to him. I'm sure he's the same. No matter what happens I will always be here for you because you're my baby and I love you with all my heart."

He was right. Every word. I wasn't in love with Bruce. But god am I in love with Steve. Everything about him. He's gorgeous. I had to show him I was in love with him and that I didn't just love him. I placed my hand over his super soldier shoulders and leant up to kiss his neck. I rested my head on his neck and he took his right hand and rested it on my ear. He was pulling me into his shoulder when I grabbed him and pulled him back. He turned around and began leaning into me.

I felt a passionate kiss coming along. I didn't fight it. He leant in, his body on mine. His lips were warm and soft. They tasted like strawberries, they were irresistible. He then whispered in my ear "Only I'm allowed to mess around with you. No one else shall be allowed near you so long as I'm around." He then continued kissing me.

I was so tired after a long day of all this information and Tony and Carol and meeting new people that I just fell asleep beside Steve. I couldn't bring myself to have to energy to have sex. I love him so much though and I hope he knows.

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