The best life

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Natasha's POV:

No way. Pregnant. 2 months. I looked up at Steve incase he hadn't already guessed. I kissed him on the cheek really quickly. I was full of excitement. He gave me the biggest hug. "I'm so proud of you Natasha." He said to me. I'm gonna be a mum. Steve was going to be a dad. A dad to my baby. A baby born into the world without worrying about Thanos or any other threats. I dreamt of having Tony as the godfather. He would have been the most amazing uncle to my baby. He was the best dad to Morgan and he would have been so much fun. It was the saddest moment to think about who else I would choose to be the godfather. Steve was still holding me in his arms. He was kissing my hair and stroking my arm. He took my hand in his and interlocked our fingers. He squeezed tightly in his grasp. I lay back on the bed in happiness and relief. I let out a large sigh and it made Steve laugh a lot. I placed my hands over my face.

"I can't believe how lucky we are Steve. This is a new beginning for us. In 7 months I'm bringing a child into this world. You're going to be a daddy." Steve looked down at me and then fell back and lay next to me at the end of the bed. "He turned his head round and kissed me. "I know for a fact that you're going to be the best mummy ever. Do you know how I know that? Because you never gave up hope. You were patient and have now been rewarded with-" Before he could finish his sentence I smashed my lips against his. The kisses were small and repetitive. He then hovered over me and held my arms back by pressing them against the mattress. It made me smile. He was smiling and he kissed me while we were still smiling. I felt his lips against my teeth. I let out a little laugh out through my nose. He then pushed down a little harder on my hands which made me let out a little groan.

Steve's POV:

Natasha's little groan totally turned me on but I didn't know the rules of sleeping with a pregnant woman. Is it wrong? Could it kill the baby. I was really nervous so I didn't push for anything. Eventually after I'd stopped kissing her I just stared hazily into her eyes. Stroking her hair as I smiled down at this little child. Being with Natasha felt like I already had a baby to take care of. She was smiling up at me with her bright red cheeks that beamed. "I'm so happy for us Natasha. I love you so much my darling." She grabbed my t shirt and pulled me down to meet her lips again. She cut me off from talking immediately. It was rude and it made me laugh but it felt amazing. I wasn't going to complain that such an amazing woman was kissing me the way she does.

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