It's us

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After we finished having sex, Steve decided he was going to change the bed sheets to fresh and clean ones. They were cold and uncreased and so I began to shiver. I was stood at the side waiting for him to do it and i was in his dressing gown shivering. He noticed me shivering and approached me. He took me in his arms and began to warm me up by stroking my back really fast. I am so much smaller than him so when he gave me a hug, his head rested on the top of mine. He then finished with the bed sheets and jumped onto the fresh new bed. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down onto the bed.

I lay next to him as he pulled his book out and began to read. He then left the room to phone back the person who rung him. I decided to put some clothes on and go downstairs because I was hungry. I went into the kitchen and I was making a cup of coffee when I noticed a photograph sat on the side. It was framed and it was of all 6 of the avengers. We were all smiling and laughing and I remember the day it was took. Those days were simply the best. I took one look at Clint's smiling face and began to quietly cry to myself. I sat down on the sofa and scrolled through more photos I had on my camera roll of Clint and I and it reminded me how much I missed my best friend. If he could see me now I bet he'd be really happy for me. And for Steve.

I came into the room to get a glass of water after my phone call and noticed Natasha sat on the sofa softly crying. She hadn't noticed I'd come in yet so I crept over to her quietly. I could see she was in a dark place currently and she was looking at a photo of all of us. I came up behind her and gently slid my hands around her. She knew it was me and leant back. I leaned my head right over her face and kissed her softly. Her lips were wet from her tears and her eyes were bloodshot. I walked around the sofa and sat beside her. She had tucked her legs to the side and so I sat the other side. To lighten the mood I said "Hey look it's us. It's us before we were a couple. Now look at us." She leant her head into my chest and then rested her head on my lap looking up at me. I began stroking her hair and she said "Everything's gonna be ok right? We are gonna be ok aren't we?" I chuckled softly and said "Of course we are." She sat up and she gave me a big hug. It lasted for ages. It was one of those hugs where I just knew she needed someone to comfort her. I love her.

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