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Steve asked to marry me! I'm so happy! I don't think it had sunk in at first. But now it has I feel so lucky. Being able to know that I can hold him knowing he's my husband and that I'm all his feels amazing. The only thing is, I can't invite my best friend and half the team is missing or dusted away. How long do I have to wait before I get to see them again?

Today was just a lazy day. After I asked Nat to marry me we just lay next to each other and I switched the TV on and we watched a football game. I could tell it wasn't her favourite channel. She was sat next to me just scrolling through her phone. We didn't speak much after I proposed. I think she was just upset about as to who we would invite. There's hardly anyone around anymore. I decided to break the sad and awkward silence and so leaned over to her and whispered "Hows about a movie?" She smiled and nodded. Then as I was flicking through the films that Tony had bought, I felt a light weight on my shoulder. I turned my head to see that Natasha was resting her head on my shoulder.

This made me realise that she needed comfort and support. Sometimes I know that Nat has really low points in her life where she feels that there is nothing she can do to make it better. Recently she told me that when she embraces me or is with me, she realises that she has all she needs. Therefore when she lay her head on me, I lifted my arm and placed it around her and began stroking her back to comfort her. She got her right arm and placed it on my chest. Finally, after she had said nothing for the past 20 minutes, she whispered to me "This is nice." I turned to her and said "Welcome back to the land of the living" and then we both laughed.

He is such a true gentleman. When I'm upset, he cuddles me. When I'm lonely, he cuddles me. When I need someone, he's there for me. Even Clint cannot match the amount of care that Steve has for me. I love him so much. As he stared at me, I leant up and slowly embraced him. I could tell that the fact I wasn't speaking much scared him and made him think I wasn't definitely sure I wanted to marry him. Therefore I wanted him to know how much I wanted him. I slowly kissed him on the lips. This time it was his lips that were trembling. I removed my arm from his chest and placed it around his neck to secure the kiss and to make sure he didn't go anyway. Every now and then I would remove myself from him and then return back. I needed to take short breaths.

I began to remove his t shirt and then sat on top of him just admiring his perfect abs and bicep muscles. He was Captain America after all and that serum had done me a favour in creating the largest man. He was gorgeous. I was wearing one of his smart shirts that he wears for conferences with Secretary Ross or for his book group (Which I have decided is absolutely adorable). I was wearing one of the black lace bras that Steve had bought me as a joke present back in 2015 before Ultron. He didn't immediately go to take it off but just pulled me into his chest. This is so that his naked chest was making full contact with the bra. He just kissed me with my chest against his and my boobs just squashed up against his chest.

I suddenly felt his left hand reach down and grab my ass. It made me sit up and press my hands on his chest. "Take them off." I said to him. I was talking about his trousers. I can't make love to him if his trousers are still on. He removed them and I was still sat on top of him. He pulled me back into his chest. I just lay there. My naked body on his. He was warm but his hands were cold as they held onto my waist.

Before I knew it, Steve had flipped me over and was about to insert me when I said "Wait. You're not wearing any protection. This could be a mistake." He said "Who cares. I need to feel you for myself." I smiled and leant up to kiss him before he leant forward as his dick slid in.

As I began to insert myself inside this amazing woman, she let out a groan noise of pain/pleasure. I silenced it by inhaling her with my lips. She began breathing through her nose really fast and every five seconds would let out another groan. They turned me on and made me wanna cum sooner than I wanted to. We had to be careful. I didn't want to impregnate Natasha at this point. It was too early. She didn't seem to mind.

As I began to pick up the pace, I couldn't tell if she was in pain or enjoying it. "Nat are you okay?" She just gave me that seductive look and then pulled me closer into her and whispered in my ear "Steve stop asking me and just fuck me." I took that comment to my advantage and picked up the pace. Nat began groaning a little more consistently.

Suddenly my phone began to ring. Who could possibly be calling me at this point? I left it and carried on with Nat. "Do you not wanna get that baby?" She said to me as I carried on. "No it doesn't matter." I responded. I got faster and faster. It felt so good to do this with Nat knowing that I would be married to her soon.

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