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I was in the bath, the water was warm. It was dark outside and cold but the hot water and bubbles kept me warm. I could hear Steve watching the football on the TV outside the bathroom. I heard him shouting at the Tv in anger when his team missed a goal. "STEVE! Shut up!" I shouted from the bathroom. Suddenly the TV switched off he swung the door open. A brush of cold air hit my shoulders as I said "Shut the door you're so annoying." He shut the door but stayed in the room. He was still wearing the dressing gown and I'm pretty sure he was naked underneath. He grabbed me from behind and lifted me up and wrapped me in a towel and began to dry me off. He then held me in his arms before grabbing the other dressing gown and putting it around me.

He started laughing at me as I kept saying I wanted to go back in the bath but instead he picked me up and placed me on his bed. Then he put the football back on and said "This is what happens when you tell me what to do" and then started smiling.


Nat was sat on the bed and she smelt amazing of her peach scented body wash. I was also sat beside her up against the back of the bed. She lay back against the pillow and asked if we could change the channel. I flicked about and we settled with Friends. She moved closer to me and cuddled up close. I kissed her forehead and began stroking her hair gently as she lay and watched the show. She would occasionally laugh and her laugh was so soft and delicate.

She turned her head so she was looking up at me and said "This is just what I needed. Thank you." She then reached up and kissed me. It then turned into a proper song until she got on top of me and carried on kissing me. I pushed her off of me and she began to undo my dressing gown and I undid hers but as I untied the knot, she whispered to me "I'm too tired to have sex. Can we do it in the morning" and as she said this she fell back asleep next to me.

I wrapped her dressing gown back around her as she fell asleep and pulled the covers up over her to keep her warm. I switched off the TV and the light and fell asleep next to her. It was a comfortable feeling.

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