New Parents

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Steve's POV:
The hospital gave Nat and myself a bunch of baby equipment because we weren't prepared for twins and so didnt have two of everything. We didnt have anywhere to take them other than the avengers facility which is where we have been living happily for more than 6 years. That was where Natasha called home and I was willing to work with that. She held Natalie over one shoulder and Jake over her other one. This was because I was carrying all the equipment like car seats, overnight bags and other baby clothes. when it came to going home, I called a cab. There was no way I was letting Nat have both babies on her lap. i bunged all the stuff in the boot and held onto the babies whilst Natasha got in. Once she was belted in I handed her Natalie and Jake to hold whilst I got in. Once I was sat down, Nat passed Jake for me to place over my shoulder. I could see how this was gonna be. Girl and girl and boy and boy.

When we got home, Steve set up the little cots and placed the babies in the cot. "I need to feed them darling." I said to him as he was tucking them in. I hadn't done breast feeding before therefore i wasn't prepared to feed them at the same time. Therefore Steve handed me Jake. I placed him up to my breast and began softly stroking his tiny hair. He was very good. Steve sat beside me holding Natalie. She was holding his index finger whilst he used his other hand to let her suck on his other index finger. She was awake and just lay there looking up at her father. He was smiling and making faces down at her. She didn't react but just continued to chew his finger. It made me smile as I continued to support Jake's head. He was making cute little sucking noises which eventually caught Steve's attention. He moved closer to me to see what was actually happening and to see how breast feeding actually worked. "Are you okay? Is it hurting at all?" He asked me. I smiled and almost began to laugh. "No it's fine. Look at him. He looks pretty happy to me." Steve then sat back and continued to hold Natalie. I reached over and stroked her tiny cheek with my index finger. As I did this, Steve leaned over and kissed my cheek. He then rested his head on my shoulder and watched me breast feed my first child.

When I felt the time was right, I removed Jake and wiped his lip with my finger. I then placed him in between Steve and I. I lifted Natalie off of Steve and placed her up against my other breast. Steve jumped off the bed and picked Jake up. He swung him over his shoulder and gently bobbed up and down, patting his back waiting for his little baby burp to come out. I just glanced down at Natalie who was feeding perfectly with her little blue eyes open. Jake hadn't opened his eyes yet but i wasn't concerned. Steve was so gentle with him. Once I'd finished with Natalie I passed her over to Steve who placed her down for a nap with Jake. I then put my top back on properly and lay back. Steve joined me and began stroking my hair. "I'm so proud of you. You're handling this extremely well. You must be exhausted so why don't you sleep?" He said to me as he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. "Promise me you won't go. Please stay whilst I sleep. I don't want you to go." I said to him. "I'm not going anywhere ever. You're safe with me I promise." He then cradled me into a hug. I lay back on my pillow and fell asleep as he held me. His smell was assuring and made me feel secure. I was so tired and all I wanted was him.

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