Day off (continued)

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Play the song and skip to about 30 seconds and listen from there. It's from The Island but it's a good song to listen to whilst reading this episode.

Steve began unbuttoning his shirt which means he understood what I wanted. I waited for him as he slowly undid his shirt that I was wearing. He then lay beside me and began kissing me. I couldn't wait any longer I needed him to make me happy again. I didn't need anything else and I knew he was the one. As I continued to kiss him I placed my hand on his naked chest and felt the strong and muscular pecs he had. He then grabbed my hand and began kissing my palm. I moved closer and began kissing him with my lips. This time it was him that was trembling. "What's wrong? Is everything ok?" I whispered as I carried on kissing him with small intervals to breath. "Nothing." He said, "Just really happy. Can't believe this is happening." He then went back to kissing. I don't know why he's only just realised this is happening, we've been having sex now for at least two weeks.

I love her. The way she looks at me. The way she kisses me. The way she always knows if there's something wrong. The way she tastes. The way she always stops to ask me if I want to continue. I love her with all my heart and I want her to be the one. The only one. I promise I will protect her forever. She's like my little child. She's so small yet could kill you if she wanted to. As I would with a small child, I will look after her till she grows old. And I want her to grow old with me. Together. Asking her for marriage now is a bit too soon. For now I'm just going to enjoy her and spending every minute I can with her. And not let her be upset from the pain of Thanos.

Steve was just looking at me. Not saying anything. But smiling. I wonder what he's thinking about. About me? About Thanos? About Tony? About our future perhaps? What could become of this unofficial relationship? "Steve what you thinking about baby?" I said to him to break the silence. "You." He said back. At this point I rolled onto him and began kissing him. By this point we were both naked. He rolled me back over to the point where he was on top and ready to put his dick inside me. I didn't even complain. How could I? This is the love of my life. I think about him everyday and now we are having sex, I wasn't in a position to pull away. His body was cold. My body was warm and so I clenched onto him to warm him up. Maybe he was nervous? He couldn't be. We do this all the time.

When his dick was inside me, he moved back and forth. I clenched hold of the sheets either side as he kissed my neck. It felt amazing. Like nothing I've felt before. Usually he was not this good but this felt amazing. He began to pick up the pace and I knew it was gonna hurt afterwards but I wasn't going to ask him to stop.

"Shall I keep going or do you want to stop?" I asked her as I continued to penetrate her. "No. Never stop." She replied. I picked up the pace and felt myself about to explode inside of her. Shit. "Oh my god Steve." She screamed. It was at the peak moment. I kept going. Faster and faster. "This is amazing Steve keep going." She said. I whispered to her "Everything's gonna be okay when you're here with me." She responded with "Shut up and just fuck me." Her breathing pace was increasing as she was gasping for air as I kissed her. It was those whispers that made me suddenly explode inside her. She was such a beautiful woman and it felt amazing.

After I had cummed, her breathing slowed down and she wasn't panting as much. But she still continued to kiss me. Over and over again. I pulled out and rolled back onto my side. She got up and went into the bathroom to clean herself up. I lay back against my pillow and just thought how proud I was to have found such an amazing woman who I could have sex with and feel so happy with. Not to mention she was amazing in bed.

I went into the bathroom to clean myself up after Steve had basically exploded inside me. I knew in my heart I should tell him how I feel. I wanted to. But I didn't want to face the rejection if he didn't feel the same. I put one of his shirts on that I found on the radiator. It was warm and it smelt like him. I came back into the room and closed the door. "What is this I see before me?" He said and then laughed. It was because I was wearing one of his shirts. "Nothing I was just cold and couldn't find my clothes. I'll take it off if you want" I said whilst biting my bottom lip to try and seduce him into letting me wear it. "No way. Keep it on. It suits you. As long as you're wearing my shirt, you belong to me and that's not something im gonna take for granted." I then lay beside him on the bed with my head snuggled into his armpit with my hand on his chest and he put his arm around me. He gently kissed my forehead and slowly scraped my hair back off my face and that sent me to sleep straight away. I felt so safe knowing that he said I belonged to him and he was never gonna let me go.

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