Morning after

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I woke up to an empty bed. At first I was worried where Chris was but then I realised he probably got up and went downstairs to make coffee. I heard him coming up the stairs so I sat up with the covers and waited for him to come in. When he arrived at the door my jaw completely dropped. He was holding a tray with coffee and orange juice. With a plate of pancakes with blueberries. Not to mention the vase with a handful of roses that he had picked from outside the facility. I was in awe this was amazing. He had done all that just for me.

I didn't know what to say. He walked over to me and placed it on my lap and gave my a small kiss on the forehead. "Good morning Nat." He said calmly as he jumped on the bed beside me. He didn't get in because he was dressed. He looked rather smart. He was wearing suit trousers, a blue and white striped suit shirt and a knitted sweatshirt. "You look rather smart." I said to him as a sipped my coffee and smirked. "I'm going out later. I've joined a book club. It's the small things that help us to cope with the change. I'll be leaving you for a couple of hours. Are you going to be alright? If you're scared I will stay. I will always stay." He said. A book group? What the fuck. "Steve baby just go I'll be fine. I've got my breakfast to eat so I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here when you get back."

He then kissed my forehead slowly to say goodbye. But then he pulled away slowly and moved towards my lips. He moved in slowly to almost inhale me. I didn't pull away. I didn't want to. He was warm. My lips were trembling. I didn't want him to go. I didn't want to see him drive away from me. He continued to kiss me. "Fine. You win. I'll stay." He then said. "No Steve go. I'll feel bad. Please." It didn't work he ended up staying.

There's no way I was going. I knew she didn't want me to know she was afraid. Her lips were trembling when I kissed her. Of course she was afraid. I'm afraid. It's been 4 weeks since Thanos snapped and I don't think people want to go outside their front doors anymore. When Nat had finished her breakfast, I took the tray downstairs. I came back up and just sat next to her. She was still in bed and I was sat beside her reading my book. She rested her head on my jumper. I took one hand off the book and began stroking her hair. She kissed my hand as it moved past her lips. She then rested my hand on the covers next to her. So that I was cuddling her into my chest.

"Yes? What's wrong Nat?"
"Do you think that the effects on the snap was worn off by now?"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you think one of us is gonna die?"
"No. So long as I have you I refuse to go anywhere else Nat."
"Steve I'm scared. I don't wanna lose you. You treat me like a princess and I would never be able to sleep at night knowing you aren't beside me."
"Nat baby it's going to be okay. I promise I will protect you and keep you safe."

Those words: protect, safe. The words of reassurance. He needs to know, if he hadn't guessed already, that I love him and I want to have his children. "Steve?"
"Yes Nat?"
"I love you."
"Nat? Are you serious?"
"Yes? Why?"
"I love you more than anything in this world. Now that you've told me you love me I want to tell you I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have children with you. I want to grow old with you. I want to protect you."
"Steve I-"
"Say no more Nat. I love you too."
"But Steve- I- I want to have your children too. I want everything with you. Endless sex and loads of children. And a family."
"Well then I only have one question for you.... Natasha Romanoff, will you marry me?"
Steve pulls out of his draw beside his side of the bed, the most beautiful diamond ring ive ever seen. It was perfect.
"Steve Rogers, I will marry you." I said. I then reached over and gave him the biggest kiss on the lips. The kiss lasted for at least 5 seconds before we both gasped for air. He put the ring on my finger and, taking my hand in his, said "I want you to know that we don't have to start trying for kids straight away sweetheart okay? Let's both live our lives first. We still have ages."
I smiled and kissed him gently. This was a new beginning for me. I've never accepted love in my life. Never. I didn't plan to. Until I met Steve. I love him. I will always love him.

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