The Baby

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*7 months later*

I had the biggest baby bump ever and I couldn't believe how small Pepper's was until I had one of my own. Steve decided he wanted to take me to the hospital three days before my due date. because we was becoming more and more nervous every single day. I was sat up in the hospital bed and Steve was sat beside me. He was sat in the chair and had his head resting on the bed. I was stroking his hair as his head was facing the window. He wasn't looking at me but I could tell he cared. No-one was saying anything but the atmosphere was so loving. I know Steve cared with all his heart about my well being and that of the baby's.

Suddenly I felt my first contraction and id had a few practice ones back at the avengers facility when I was lying on the sofa but I knew these ones were real. Steve shot up an pressed the call button for a nurse. When she came in she sat beside me and began to examine me. "Three fingers dilated we need to move you to the delivery room Mrs Rogers." I smiled at Steve because I was still getting used to that last name. He grabbed my hand before I left and said "Everything is gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay so long as we stick together. You have been the bravest these past seven months and its the final push now. I love you so much Natasha and I'm really glad we watched that movie together 6 years ago because I would never have thought it would have led to this." I moved in quickly to kiss him before the nurse came back in and demanded I went with her immediately. As I walked out the room I turned around and looked at Steve. He just winked at me which made me smile.

*10 minutes later*

The time had come for me to push. With everything I've got. I was red in the face, sweating. I looked so disgusting and I prayed Steve didn't come in anytime soon. "Almost there Natasha." The nurse said to me. Once I'd finished pushing I let out a sigh of relief. It was then followed by the cries of a baby. I smiled with happiness that my baby was alive and kicking. "You have a beautiful baby girl Mrs Rogers." The nurse said as she wrapped her up and placed her on my chest. I smiled down at the gorgeous little girl who was laying on my chest with her mouth open and eyes closed. "I'm gonna need to take her off you so we can focus on getting the other one out." "Other one?" I exclaimed. "Yes you are expecting twins Natasha." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Twins! I couldn't have a baby for weeks and then suddenly two come along. Steve is gonna be so happy. I know I am.

*30minutes later*

I was absolutely exhausted. I had a baby girl in one arm and a baby boy in the other. I was allowed to return to my original room. When I came through holding two babies Steve looked very confused. "Which one is ours?" I smiled at him and he immediately knew. He got up straight away and ran over to take both babies from me. He helped me up into the bed and handed our little girl back to me. He held our son softly and carefully. He stuck his finger in his mouth to give him something to suck on. Our little girl was holding my finger with her whole hand as she was still and silent. "I can't believe this Natasha. Twins! We're gonna get no sleep at all." Steve said before laughing. "What do you want to name them?" I responded. He looked at me and just smiled. "We should name this one Jake." He said as he continued to let our baby boy suck on his finger. It was perfect. "Jake. It's perfect. Just like him. How about Natalie for this one? Almost my name but not quite." He smiled and took my hand in his. "She'll always remind me of you. Natalie is a lovely name." I smiled and lay back. Steve took Natalie from me which made me sit up. "What you doing?" I said. "You need to rest. I'll sit here with them and they'll be waiting for you when you wake up okay?" I was so tired and Steve was right for once. I lay back and fell asleep on the pillow. The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was Natalie in one arm and Jake in the other. It was such an adorable sight. I was asleep straight away.

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