Chapter 2

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"aAH!" *THONK*

You wake up from falling off of the hotel bed and hitting your head on the nightstand.
"OW, GOSH!!" Your head throbbed in pain.
Gee, what a great way to start off the day... OH MY GOSH IT'S TODAY!"

You kick flip yourself up as if a surge of energy was shoved down your throat... it takes you a minute to process what happened. "...okay then."

You start running around your room, putting on your pre-made outfit, doing your hair, realizing that you can't do hair, leaving it normal and just brushing it, and grabbing your gifts, sketchbook, and bag, before speeding out of the door.

You heard your stomach grumble. "Shoot, didn't eat anything... it doesn't matter. Plus, there's got to be something near there."
You hop into your car and drive off.

"Oh gosh, you better not do anything stupid today, (y/n). Man, it's really happening... this'll be the best day of my life." A smile shoots onto your face.

You've never been to California either, so this'll be a blast! Besides Vidcon, there's the Walk of Fame, Disney Land, and overall just exploring this whole different type of "city life".

"I hope nothing goes wrong when I meet them. Just the idea of my icons, people I've looked up to for years, somehow hating me or ignoring me or just anything bad happening just makes me feel like I'm going to throw up..."

For some reason as well, no matter what the topic was that you thought about, it'd always trail back to Damien.  Once you notice this weird pattern, you chuckle. "Well, it's not like we'll magically end up together. I mean, he's a YouTube celebrity and I'm... well I'm just trying to get through life as easily as possible."
After what seems like hours of talking to yourself, you stop.

"Well, here we are. Vidcon 20xx."
"It's been nice meeting you, too! Have a great day!"

A couple hours later, and that was the last of the YouTubers you'd see before planning to meet the Smosh Squad. You'd think that after meeting a couple of other famous internet stars, you'd be used to it by now: the rush of energy, the billions of questions that all of a sudden pop into your head, the rays of sunshine they show in their smile... nope.

Besides, Smosh is a whole different level compared to everyone else. You take off your backpack and check inside for everything you'd need: phone, sketchbook, group gift... and then there's Damien's gift.

Your heart starts beating faster and your mind's wheels start turning. Don't screw it up, don't screw it up, don't screw it up, you better not screw this up.

Then, all of a sudden,

your heart stops.

You spot them.

The Smosh Squad.


So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now