Chapter 6

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A few days later
Boxes. The only thing you can see.

You've finished packing all your things five minutes ago while watching the competition episodes they started posting to keep you entertained. It's a huge tournament that was supposed to relate to all the videos they've done before, like Just Dance, Ghost Pepper Mario Party, and of course Try Not To Laugh. There was some outside activities as well like races and paintball. Best of all, they were doing this all for you. It still puzzled you as to why they'd do this for a stranger, but you decided that it could also be because they wanted to have some extra fun and this was the perfect excuse; since you can't let yourself have nice things. Obviously.

During it though, you couldn't help but notice that Damien wasn't acting like himself.
Was it what happened before I left? I mean, I guess he would be uncomfortable if I said something weird and now he had to be surrounded by the fact that he's helping me join Smosh in something that'll last days. You felt sort of bad, even if it wasn't because of what you did. Lets just hope that he was like that for another reason.

The last episode ended a couple minutes ago, and you've been sitting down staring at the card Smosh have you for the rest of the time.

Gonna have to do it sooner or later.

You gather the strength to finally pick up your phone and dial the number.

*ring-ring, ring-ring.*

Someone picks up the phone.

"Hello?" You ask.

"Hi, uh who is this?"

"It's (y/n)." You hold your phone away from your face to yawn before continuing. "I finished packing up my things."

"Oh, you need to talk to Ian about this."

"Well, okay." You responded to what sounded like Olivia.

You hear them pass the phone to someone else.

"Hey, it's Ian. What's up?"

"Well, I finished packing up my things... what do I do now?"

"I'll get some people to get your stuff and they'll put it on a plane to move to your new place. By the way, have you decided where you're moving? I know you did, but just making sure."

Well this got awkward. "Uh, well you didn't necessarily tell me where you work, so I didn't choose one since I was afraid that it could be too far away."

"Oh, no worries. I have some places you could look at near us. I'll send you them."

"Alright, thanks!" But before you could say goodbye, your curiosity got the best of you. "One more thing though, umm. May I talk to Damien?"

"Oh yeah, sure. I'll get him real quick. One second."

Well, you just HAD to do it, didn't you. No going back now.

"Uh, hey. You wanted to talk?" Damien muttered.

Calm down, and speak your mind.

"Well uh, I was just wondering if..."


"I was just wondering if I uh, maybe did something to upset you. You haven't really been.. yourself in the last videos and I feel like I could be my fault since, y'know..." You trailed off, not wanting to add anymore.

"What? N-no, you're amazing. You could do nothing that would make me dislike you." His voice sounded reassuring, but a little nervous like he'd think I'd think he was lying.
"Anyways I'm sorry, if I made you worry or anything, I didn't mean to."

You feel thousands of weights lift off of your back. Thank the lords. Though, wait he called me amazing... you stop for a minute to fangirl, just a tad bit.


"Sorry, I just needed to check something." You said. You know, like a liar. "And... well, that's good to hear."

"Also, did you see me wearing your beanie during the events?" He chuckled.

You remember first seeing the beanie when you started watching and completely flipping out. You thought that he would've put it in some pile where he'd put all the gifts his fans got him.

"Yeah, I-I'm glad you like it."

"So... it that all?"

"Yeah, I guess so... see ya."

"Oh wait!" He stops you before you can hang up. " you want my number? Y'know uh, just in case." He spoke as if he knew that that wasn't the true reason and not only was he trying to convince you, but himself as well. (wink, wink)

"Uh, yeah sure. Just text me on this number and we talk from there." Dude. You got his number. Damn.

"Alright! Can't wait to start working with you. I can already tell you'll be tons of fun to hang out with."

"Oh, thanks so much! Not to be... weird, but that's means a lot coming from you."

"It's okay, I understand. I mean, who wouldn't when getting a compliment from someone as amazing as me?" You could almost hear his conceited grin from across the country.

"Of course, Your Highness. See ya."


You look at your phone and hang up.
Well, that went well.

A/N: New chapterrr! This one isn't that long, so hope you don't mind. But be prepared, cause some stuff is going to go DOWN soon... ;)

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now