Chapter 14

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You quickly made it to the building with Shayne trailing behind you. You ran to the set and saw that they hadn't started yet.

"Sorry I'm late, I was with Shayne."

Damien almost come out of the shadows and replied. "It's okay. We were just about to start. Come." He gestured to you to stand next to him. You jogged over and they group started the first shoot.

You held his hand before, so why not do it again? You slid your hands into his, and surprisingly, he didn't flinch. He just squeezed your hand as his face got the slightest bit pink. I'm going to scream. But you didn't.

The shoot was all just your average stuff: Shayne screaming, Olivia pretending to be a jerk, and Courtney being the beautiful self she is.

A couple minutes into the shoot, and you heard a knock on the door. Damien did too. He opened the door and there stood Wes.


"Hey, Wes. What's up?" Damien asked.

He gave him somewhat of a death glance and just walked right pasted him, bumping into his shoulder on the way. You saw him stumble a bit and Wes stood in front of you.

"Hey, (y/n). Do you think that I could talk to you for a minute?"

C r a p.

"Uh yeah, one sec." This is it. You made the nickname for a reason. Time to put it to use. "YO, CHERRY!"

Shayne popped up next to you really f r i c c i n quick, almost immediately after you opened your mouth. "You called?"

"'Cherry'?" Wes repeated in confusion.

"Just a nickname. Anyways," You turned to Shayne. "Wes needs me for something, am I needed in any more scenes?"

"You're actually needed right now, I'm sorry."

"Alright. Sorry, Wes. Maybe later." He nodded in understanding and left, as you walked away with Shayne. You let out a quiet sigh and looked up at him. He held up an okay sign, and you sighed again.

"Though, seriously. We need you."

"Okay." You looked over your script one more time and walked over to the camera.

1 shoot later

"And that's the last scene! Nice job, Damien and (y/n)." Matt announced. The room cheered and you and Damien did a quick little bow. "And quick announcement: a pretty bad storm is going to hit in a couple of minutes, so work is ending early." The room cheered even louder and you laughed at the excitement. "See you guys tomorrow!" Everyone exited one by one, and you left with Damien and Shayne at your sides.

"So, what're your plans?" Damien asked you and Shayne.

"Meh, I don't really know."

"Me neither." You walked in silence, but it didn't last long.

"You guys wanna hang out at my place?" Shayne offered.



"Alright. Damien, you can just drive straight there. And (y/n), just follow my car there."


"This whole day you've just been agreeing with me, what's up with you?" Shayne joked.

"Absolutely nothing, don't sweat it." You answered.

You and the other two exited the building and you each parted to get into your cars. You hopped into the driver seat and waited for Shayne to enter his car and start driving. It didn't take too long, and you trailed behind him.

At a red light, your phone started buzzing. The phone flashed "Topper" and you picked up, putting it on speaker.

"Officer, there is a (f/c) (favorite car) that has been following me home. I beg you to do something about it. My name is Shayne Topp and I-" You hung up mid-sentence, and you could hear him scream from his car.

He pulled up into a driveway and you entered the parking lot, stopping your car next to him. You and him got out and you follow him to the door. Damien was waiting outside, leaning next to it with one foot against the wall, on his phone.

"Damien, we're here." You stated. He looked up and smiled.

"There you are!" He put his phone in his back pocket and Shayne opened the door.

You already knew what his place was like since you watch WE INVADED SHAYNE'S HOUSE. It looked as clean as before.

"Now I get a chance to steal all your candles." You joked.

"At this point, I should just give up trying to keep my own property." Shayne said, throwing his hands up in the air. "So what do you guys want to do?"

"...we can do some type of competition." You suggested, walking to his room. I have no idea what I'm doing.

"You're always competitive, aren't you?" Damien observed.

"I dunno. Challenges are always fun for me."


"Well, we can do some board games, maybe Truth or Dare-" Shayne mentioned.

"Truth or Dare." You and Damien said in sync. You gave him a weird look and he just smiled.

"So, you are psychic." You joked.

"Maybe." He said, stroking his facial hair.

"Dude, I'm the one with the psychology degree." Shayne added. You cracked up and Shayne and Damien did too.

"Anyways," Damien said, sitting seiza on the Shayne's bed. "Let's start!" You and Shayne formed a circle on his bed, with you on Damien's left and Shayne on his right. "We can do clockwise."

"I wanna start." Shayne said, raising his hand.

"Fine." Damien said in an annoyed tone.

"So, Damien. Truth or Dare?"

A/N: Yay, another chapter. Sorry that I posted so late. I thought I accidentally deleted this, so I rewrote the whole thing, but it suddenly showed up again. And that's the tea. See ya Monday.

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now