Chapter 20

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You both walked down the streets of LA, hand in hand. You've started to hold hands a lot more since the first time, and you never really said how much you enjoyed it. But you didn't plan to any time soon. You swung your hand a bit as you two walked, and a sweet smile grew onto his precious face.

A couple minutes later and you reached (favorite pizza place). Your eyes lit up and you wanted to jump up and down like a little kid. Seems Damien could tell. "You like this place?"

"My favorite. My parents would bring me here on my birthday every year." You explained, walking into the building. You breathed in the scent of fresh pizza out of the oven, and exhaled with a smile. Sure, it's junk food, but god damn it, this is some gourmet junk food.

"There's a spot right over there." Damien said, pointing at a table with two chairs. "Tell me what you want, I'll order and you can save that spot."

"Just (pizza order), thanks." You said, and walked over to the table with the high chairs. You hopped up and took out your phone. There were 5 new messages from Shayne.

(right side is Shayne, left side is you)

Where are you?
Did Wes take you?
Please answer, I'm getting worried

He must be so worried.

I'm alright, sry for late response
Some stuff happened between me, Damien, and Wes
But I'm okay

Thank goodness
I though you got kidnapped
What happened?

You started to type, but someone was walking up to you. You turned your phone off and looked up to see Damien with a (f/c) tray and two slices of pizza. "Who's that?"

"It's just Shayne. He was checking in on me." I reassured. He nodded and placed the tray on the table, sitting down on the chair in front of you. "So... we're going to have to talk to everyone about what's going on sooner or later."

He sighed and nodded, but with a smile? "Yeah, I know. But... we may not have to." I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion, which only made his smile grow bigger. "I've talked to Shayne today. He said that literally everyone was suspicious about the three of us. We just tell Shayne the word and he'll tell everyone. They'll understand completely. But lets just hope that Wes can learn from this." He explained. "Otherwise, he could lose his job."

"Yeah. I hope he can go back to his old ways."

"Oh, you wouldn't want that."

"Wait, what?"

"Nevermind." He said. "Lets eat and get back when we can."

"Aight." You said, taking a bite out of your (pizza order).

Around 30 minutes have passed and it was almost like the fight never happened. You just talked about random stuff that would come to mind. Damien could make any conversation an interesting one.

The time passed quickly and soon enough, it was time to go back to the Smoffice. You and Damien threw out the paper plates and started to walk back. You heard a small buzz from Damien, who pulled out his phone. He looked at it a bit with a slightly surprised face. He turned it off and put it back in his pocket. "So Shayne texted me saying that the rest of the shoots today were cancelled, so we all can go home."

"Well, either way, we need to go back to our cars." Aaand, I took an Uber here. "Oh, I need a way back home."


"I took an Uber to work today." You looked down for a bit. "Meh, I can walk back. See you tomorrow, Haas." I said, doing a two finger salute at him before turning away.

"Wait!" He called out. I whipped my head around, some hair getting in my mouth. I spit it out quickly and asked him what he needed. "I can give you a ride home if you want." he suggested.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about it." I turned around again, but I felt a hand gently grasp my wrist.

"I don't want you walking home alone. Please, just-"

Damien's POV

Before I could finish my sentence, I noticed that I was being kind of forceful, and I even grabbed her wrist like what Wes used to do. I pulled my hand back subconsciously. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I just... may I drive you home?" I asked politely.

She giggled at me. "It's okay, you don't need to apologize. And," She intertwined her fingers with mine. "I guess I'll bless you with my presence." She joked, pretending to flip her hair over her shoulder with her free hand. I chuckled and we continued to walk back to the Smoffice.

We reached the Smoffice rather quickly, considering that (y/n) was bored and challenged me to a race back. Once we got to my car, we were both catching our breath, panting loudly. She sat down in the passenger's seat and I got on the driver's side. I looked down at the aux cord, then at her with a raised eyebrow. She nodded and plugged her phone in. That was some telepathic communication right there.

I started driving and (y/n) played some songs from (favorite band/musical/whatever). I made a mental note in my head to check out more of it's music, since (y/n) really seems to like it. She was singing along once again. And I don't think she knows how much I enjoy it.

I dropped her off at her place first. I stopped near the sidewalk and she hopped out. "Thanks for the ride, Damien."

"It's no problem." I said. Before she could walk away, I remembered something. "(y/n)!" I called out. She turned around. "Tomorrow. After work. We can hang out. See ya then." I explained briefly, then drove off, leaving her with nothing but instructions and a wink.

... okay.

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now