Chapter 4

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I'm sorry... bUT WHAT.
Smosh. My favorite channel. Asking me. To join. Their channel?!

You eyes widen and you freeze like a deer in the headlights. You heart accelerates so quickly, it feels like it's trying to burst. The world around you stops. It seems like it's all a dream. Or some silly fanfiction that isn't that well written. But no. This was really happening.

What about my apartment? I'd have to move all the way to the other side of the country! But this is such a big opportunity... oh gosh.

"Well uh, I mean I live... far. Away, that is."
They looked at you in disappointment. Their heads slowly fell to the floor. Worst was Damien. When he heard my response, he looked surprisingly shocked. He started to say something, but bit his lip to stop whatever he was going to say. Your heart sank. Courtney broke the silence.

"Well... that's not gonna stop us. We could do something to help!" She looked around enthusiastically, trying to get some ideas. "Well, we could some type of special event or competition on top of the videos we already do. That could help." Keith added.

"Yeah! And all the money we get could help you move!" Ian said.

"That is... if you want to..." Damien muttered. They all turned to me for an answer.

I stopped. I didn't know what to say. I mean, your apartment IS kinda crappy. And California is so beautiful! Plus, you're an adult. You're going solo.

"... alright, I'll do it!"

The group cheered, but I put my finger to my mouth and showed it to them, hoping not to cause any attention. They understand immediately and quieted down with a smile on their face. Damien looks at you with somewhat of a mischievous smirk, as if he knew predicted everything you just said, plus every action that'll happen after this. Your face goes red. Ohhh gosh.

"Well, when will it happen?" You asked.

"We'll do it as soon as we can, while you pack up your stuff! Then, just call the number on the card when your ready!" Ian replied.

Everyone seemed so happy for me. You don't understand why, I mean, you're just a stranger to them. "But why are you so excited? I mean, you barely know me." You chuckle at them with a confused look.

"Well, I'd say I'm a good judge of character. And I feel good about this." Shane said, crossing his arms with a smile on his face.
My face brightened up, shrugged, and giggled.

"Seems good enough for me." You made eye contact with everyone, grinning to each. When you looked at Damien, he was blushing? Once he noticed I was looking, he smiled back and looked away. You felt butterflies in my stomach and looked away as well. He's so charmi-NO. NO. NOT NOW.

"So... see you later?" You questioned.
"I guess." Olivia shrugged. "Well, buh-bye!"
You awkwardly waved to everyone and walked away. Damn. A whole lot happened.

You heard them head off to lunch. "I'll catch up with you guys later." Damien said. OH SHOOT, THE GIFT. You quickly turn around and run over to Damien. Dude, how many times are you going back? "Wait, Damien."

He looked confused, looking around for who called out his name, but when he saw me, he got a little nervous. "Uh, what up?" He started to go red.

"I f-forgot to give you this." You look into your backpack and grab the beanie. "J-just a thing a made for m-my favorite member." You joked, shyly giving him the beanie as you regret everything you just said. He goes to grab it, but accidentally grabbing your hand in the process.
You and him freeze. After 5 seconds of staying still, you shrink back as well as him. You hide your flushed face under your hands as Damien scratches his neck in embarrassment.

"W-well, can't wait to work. With you." You squint your eyes in confusion of your articulation.

"Yeah, I-I guess. Thanks for the gift, by the way. It looks great." He shyly smiles.

"Yeah, I thought that you'd like the idea, even if it didn't end up that well."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that."

"So... see you."

He timidly waves goodbye as he walks away. Your heart flutters as you put on your bag and walked in the opposite direction. "Now I have to act normal again and meet other people. Great."

"New post from Smosh: Special Announcement!"

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now