Chapter 8

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3 days since "The Incident" happened, and now it's time for you to face the music. As it is the first day at your new job.

Sure, there was a part of you during that time that loved every second of it, I mean who would've thought that Damien would go for something like that? But gosh dang it, everything has a consequence.

You think about "The Incident" nonstop, overthinking every bit.

So, does he like me? Duh, he tried to kiss me. But what if he was just toying with me? What if he thought I liked him and he just was leading me on to make me not feel bad? Why would he even do that?

You stop pondering and look at your phone. "I have to leave soon. Better get ready." You choose a t-shirt and some fishnets under jean shorts, some Converse... and grabbed Damien's beanie on the way out.

So, what? I love it, plus maybe it'll ease the atmosphere.

Once you've gotten everything ready, you grab your stuff and leave the dwelling, mentally preparing for the conversations ahead.

15 minutes later

Welp, here you are. In front of the building of your new job. You take a deep breath and start walking to the door. Let's just hope that Ian didn't tell anyone else.

While you walk to the entrance, you spot Shayne leaning against a bike rack. He's looking around, until he spots you, and starts running to you. "(y/n)! Hey!"

You walk up to him and you both stop at the door. He looks you up and down, and spots the beanie Damien gave you.

"Where'd you get that? It looks pretty cool!"

"It's just a gift." I can't tell him it's from Damien. What if he knows what happened?

"Oh sweet! Anyways, I've been assigned to show you around and get you settled. Come with me! I can't wait to show you everything." He starts walking and you go after him.

You look around the building and you see a couple familiar faces. Garret and Matt wave to you as you walk by. You wave back as well.
Man, I got to get used to this. Shayne stops in front of a room, and you stop behind him.

"Welp, go on ahead!" Shayne stepped out of the way to reveal a door. Now, what in the heccidy hecc does this lead to? You look at Shayne questionably, but all you get in response is a playful wink and a thumbs up.

Alright, here goes nothing. You hover your hand over the knob, and open the door.

You notice Noah, Keith, Damien, Olivia, and Courtney talking to each other in two groups: Noah and Keith in one, and the others in the another group. All of a sudden, once they notice your existence, there's a beat of silence.

"Oh hey, (y/n)!" Olivia exclaimed. Everyone in the room starts walking to you and greeting you as well. Damien was the last one to talk to you, though you've already mentally prepared for any situation that could possibly happen.

"Hey, Damien." You shyly say. He takes a short breath and replied.

"Heya. How are you?" He seemed a little tired.

"I'm okay." Well, it seems like he's okay. Man, and I thought it'd be so awkward

You turned to everyone in the room. "Attention, everybody." Everyone turns to you, giving their full attention. "...I don't know what I'm supposed to do." You stated.

"Didn't you look at the text? You're doing a Smosh Games video today at 1." Noah said.

"Oh, right." You're an idiot. "Sorry, my brain's been a mess ever since you guys gave me this opportunity. I mean, only a couple months ago, I was just on  the another side of the screen, just supporting you guys, thinking that you'd never know I existed." You stop yourself from going on, since you don't want to get too emotional.

"I guess I never really looked into that idea that much." Damien muttered to himself, but you overheard and you caught yourself staring at his pondering face. His eyes were focused on the ground, with slightly furrowed brows.

No one else can hear your thoughts, you know. You say to yourself.

...he does look pretty cute when he's drifting off.

The thought put your mind at ease.

"Well, it's 12:30 right now. Better get going." You say your goodbyes to everyone and start to walk away.

Wait. You don't know where you're going.

You turn around and scratch your head,
embarrassed. "Umm, I don't know where to go." You gave them a timid smile.

"Oh, right." Courtney said. "Well, Damien can show you where to go." She looks over at him. Another beat of silence passes throughout the room.

"Damien, yoo-hoo." He was still thinking. She walked over to him and waved her hand back and forth in front of his face. Once Damien snapped back, he looked like he was suddenly transported into another dimension.

"I said that you could show (y/n) where to go for her first shoot with Smosh Games.

He processed the words and looked to me. I shrugged awkwardly, not knowing what else to do in the situation.

"O-okay, then." He starts walking and turns around. "Come on, just follow me." You walk to him and waved goodbye to everyone once more before leaving the room, with Damien at your side.

A/N: Sorry that this chapter is kinda boring. Life can't always be dramatic. Anyways, just also wanted to say that we hit 200 views! I know its not that much compared to other books, but this is impressive for me, since this is my first time. Anyway, talk to ya later. Who knows, maybe some spicy stuff will happen in the next chapter. *wink, wink*

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now