Chapter 11

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You woke up early, excited for Damien finally coming over. As you rise from your bed, you check the on your phone. "It's 7 in the morning... eh, I already woke up."

You look out the window and see a pretty big storm outside. Let's hope that the storm's big enough to give me a day off work... even though it's only been one day at work.

You feel your phone vibrate and you've been invited to a group chat named "SMOSH".

"Hey guys, so even though it's pretty rough outside, we need to finish a couple things, so work isn't cancelled. Come at 8."


You quickly jump out of bed to get ready. As you're choosing what to wear, small thoughts enter your mind.

Is Damien still going to be able to come over? I mean, it doesn't have to be cancelled. Meh, I'll ask him today.

You find a shirt you've been wanting to wear a lot and some of your favorite black jeans.
You eat a bowl of cereal, brush your teeth, grab your things, put on some black hiking boots and walk over to your car.


You try to start your engine, but it turns out there wasn't any gas left. Shoot.
You decide to call Damien to ask if he could give you a ride. And, I'll be able to ask if we'll still be able to hang out today as well.

*ring, ring. ring, ring.*

You hear him pick up the phone.

"Hey Damien, it's (y/n). Listen. My car's run out of gas. Do you think you could give me a ride to work?" You shyly ask.

"No problem! I just left my house, so I'll be there soon."

"Alright. See ya then."


You put your phone in your pocket and lean on your car door. In no less than 2 minutes, you spot Damien stop near the sidewalk. He gives you a wave and you walk towards the car. Once you get there, you open the passenger seat door and slide in.

"Thanks for driving me to work on such short notice." You thanked him. He gave you a reassuring grin.

"Don't worry about it. It's nothing." He starts to drive.

Once we reached a red light, he turns on some music. "What do you want to listen to?" He holds the aux cord in front of you.

You take the cord from him and plug in your phone. "I mean, there's this one song I've been listening to lately. Do you wanna hear it?"

"Heck yeah! I love hearing people's music tastes." He exclaimed, eager for me to play the song.

"All right, but just warning you, some lyrics may be a bit weird."

You look on your playlist and spot the song. You hesitantly start the song and look for Damien's reaction. His eyes brighten and nods his head to the beat. "I know this! This is from (artist/musical/whatever), right? I love this song!"

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now