Chapter 13

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The next day

You woke up on the couch from your alarm, seeing (favorite show) still on your TV. Guess I fell asleep watching.

You stood up and stretched, walking to your room to find something to wear. I need to get more clothes. You picked out an oversized crewneck sweater with some skinny jeans. Good enough.

You put it on, grabbed a cereal bar as well as your phone and keys, and ran outside. The weather wasn't that bad today, in fact, it was gorgeous out. You took a deep breath, enjoying the temperature, then walked to your car. You didn't have trouble with your car today, so that's a relief. The car started and you drove to the Smoffice.
You arrived quickly and spotted Olivia and Courtney outside with Starbucks drinks in their hands. I should start talking with Olivia more. You parked your car, hopped out, and jogged over to the two.

"Hey, over here!" You called out. They turned to you and smiled.

"Hey, (y/n)! What's up?" Olivia asked.

"Not much. What'cha doing?"

"Not much." She repeated. Though a small smirk appeared on her face. "So, what's the deal with you, Damien, and Wes?"

You blink a couple times, clearly confused. Nothing's going on. "What do you mean?"

"I overheard about what happened yesterday, with Wes dragging you away from Damien." Olivia explained.

"Looks like someone's jealous." Courtney teased. Your cheeks blushed at the thought that there could be two people fighting for your affection.

"W-why would that happen?"

"Well, Damien has been different ever since you met us. Same with Wes." Courtney said.

"Yeah. They've gotten... happier. More giddy whenever you're around." Olivia added. "Sometimes they're alone and all of a sudden, they'll just giggle. It's weird."

You couldn't believe your ears. What in the world is happening when I'm gone? "... that is weird... what do I do about it?"

"I dunno. For now, just see what happens." Courtney suggested.

"And if anything bad happens, we're here to help." Olivia said with a promising smile.

"Thanks. You guys are the best." You sighed in relief. "I guess I'll go inside now. See ya." You waved goodbye and walked into the building. Not even a second later, Damien showed up in front of you.

"Hey, (y/n)!" He greeted. Though, his happy personality seemed different now that Olivia and Courtney gave you a new perspective. Not a bad different, just... different.

"Hiya, Damien. You going to be in the latest Every Blank Ever?"

"You know it! How about you? I saw your first one on YouTube, and you did a really good job! You're acting is amazing." You almost choked on your words. I can't handle compliments, especially when Damien's giving them.

"Yeah, I'll be in it. And I'm happy that you like my acting, it means a lot coming from an ex Disney star."

"No problem. Anyways, you wanna check on the others with me?" Damien offered, putting a hand behind his neck.

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now