Chapter 15

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"Mmm, truth. We'll start off easy." Damien said, shrugging.

"Okay. Uh, how would you rate your looks? Scale of 1-10." Shayne asked. He looked to the ground for a bit.

"Maybe like a 6 or 7. I'm aware of some good things about me, but I also think a lot about the bad things, so... yeah."

"Really? I'd say you're a 10." You said, trying to make it clear that you were saying that as a friend. Yeah, friend. Without thinking, you winked at him. Was that too much? Luckily, he still saw it as a joke and laughed.

"I'm glad someone thinks that." Damien replied.

"Please, just look through the comment section of any video you're in and you'll see plenty of that." You said, rolling your eyes.

"I wouldn't if I were you. There's always some... stuff down there." Shayne commented. You nodded your head, understanding completely. "Anyways, it's your turn to ask (y/n)."

"Okay." He turned to me and let his head fall to the side. "Truth or Dare?"

"I'll do truth as well. I don't feel like moving."

He did his cute little giggle and spoke again. "Okay, just give me a minute." He looked down again and bit his lip. I'm going to punch someone if he continues to do that. Luckily, he looked up at you. "Okay, I think I've got one."

"Is it bad?" You worriedly asked.

"Depends." He answered. "What's your biggest turn on?"

You felt the heat shoot up into your face and you covered your face. "So you get the easy one and I don't?" You asked, slightly shouting. You heard laughs from Damien and Shayne, but you didn't want to look up. "I don't know, I don't have one that exceeds any others."

"Then just name a couple small ones." Shayne suggested.

"Okay. Sudden behind the back hugs, biting your bottom lip, teasing, moans, singing to me, running your hands through my hair, and I'm just listing some stuff." Oh shoot, I said lip biting out loud. You tried not to scream and pound someone in the head.

You got incredibly uncomfortable, but neither of them seemed to notice, and they didn't look uncomfortable either.

Shayne jokingly raised his hand and slowly moved towards your hair. You gave him a look that said "Are you serious?", but he kept going and placed his hand on the top of your head... he then pulled your hair really fucking hard.

"BRUH." You shouted and scratched your head. "THAT HURT."

"What? I thought you said you liked teasing." He said with a wink.

"OH YEAH, BECAUSE I'M SO TURNED ON NOW." You replied sarcastically. Shayne erupted in laughter and so did Damien. It's always nice making them laugh. "Well, its my turn to ask you." You acknowledged to Shayne.

"Alright, hit me."

"Truth or Dare?"


"Okay, uhh..." You trailed off, trying to think of something. "I got one."

"Hit me."

"So in one of your Eat It or Yeet It's, you had to go through eating cereal and eggs, and you didn't even realize the real ingredient until later. So, I dare you to grab a dozen eggs from your fridge and eat as many as you can under a minute." You explained. You knew that this would be hard, but it's Shayne we're talking about. For all you know, he could work out using the Smosh staff as weights.

"Alright." He said, shrugging. He got off the bed and walked out of the room.

"You think he can do it?" Damien asked you.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see." You took out your phone and set up a timer for one minute.

Shayne appeared later with two bowls, one filled with eggs and the other being empty. He handed you the empty one and sat down on the bed, putting the bowl in his lap.

"You asked for this." And with that, he cracked the first egg into his mouth, disposing the shell in your bowl. You and Damien exclaimed in disgust as he kept going.

1 horrifying sight later

Shayne finished 7 eggs before the timer went off. He coughed for a bit, but regained composure.

"So, does the eggs still taste like water?" You asked. A moment of silence passed between all of you.

"... I don't know why you thought that would change." He finally said.

"BRUH." You exclaimed. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?"

"Absolutely everything." He joked.

Time passed and more and more dares and truths were made. It was honestly the most fun you've had playing this game.

"Hey, it's getting a bit late. You guys wanna turn this into a sleepover?" He asked. "You guys can just grab your stuff real quick and come back here."

"Yeah sure, man." You said.

"I'm fine with that." Damien added.

"Sweet. (y/n), I'll send you my address since you won't be able to stalk me all the way to my house this time." He joked. You all laughed and left the room.

You and Damien walked through the parking lot next to each other silently, until you parted you go to your cars. You hopped in and drove back to your apartment.

A/N: Hi, sorry that I forgot to finish this chapter. Honestly, I thought it was done but APPARENTLY, the full thing didn't save and I didn't notice until just now. So, it's a bit sloppy. But, right now, I don't have the patience to care. Anyways, I just kind of summed up what I previously wrote. Okay, buh bye now.

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now