Chapter 3

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They're there. Right in front. Of my face.
I see Ian, Olivia, Shayne, Courtney, Keith... but no Damien. Is he really not here? In their last video he said he'd be here.

I swat the thoughts away from my mind in order for me to even think about walking up to them. My heart is pounding-my head's so confused. Is tHIs love, or am I being u-

I muster up the only courage I could and start walking. The thoughts I swatted away have came back, along with every other bad thing I could think of. My knees were weak, and my backpack turned into a 500 pound weight on my back. I shook my head and starting walking faster and faster, until suddenly I just starting running.

Remember what you practiced. Say hello to each, talk a bit, give them the gift... fine. Then ask where Damien is. Oh (y/n), you're going to be the death of me.

You stop right in front of them and a smile shoots onto your face.

"Wow, it's really you! Ian, Olivia, Shayne, Courtney, and Keith!"

"Who else would we be?" Ian joked. "Keith could be Chris Rock. That's happened at least 10 times today." Shayne muttered. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's so amazing to see you guys here. You've played such a big role in my life!" I started telling them about how much this meant to me, how funny their videos were, and just overflowed them with compliments. Dude, they don't want to hear your life story, just give them the gift!

"Oh yeah! I have a gift for you guys!" You quickly take of your backpack and grab the
(y/g). You show in to them, locking your elbows and presenting it with both hands.

"Wow, this looks awesome!" Courtney said. "... I'm keeping it."

"NUH UH, NO WAY." Keith exclaimed. The fact that they were "arguing" who'd get it made your heart flutter and make you beam with pride.

"I guess it's a group gift then, thank you very much." Olivia said. She always seemed like a mom friend. The thought makes you giggle. You hand it to Olivia and step back.

Alright, you want to know where Damien is, well GO AND ASK, YOU HELPLESS DWEEB.
"Um, quick question though. Where's Da-"
You stop talking and see him turn around and emerge from behind the group.
Your heart stops. You get a heavy feeling in your stomach and feel as light as a feather. You attempt to speak, but choking on your words as you do so.

"Wha... where... why didn't you show up 'till now?"

"Sorry, I just needed to text someone, and I guess I was blocked by everyone else." Damien replied. "Anyways," He put on a smile as if he was in the conversation the whole time. "What's your name? Sorry, I didn't catch it." He quirked his eyebrow and put his hands in his pockets.

"I-it's (y/n)." You stutter. You look like SUCH a fool right now, dude. You calm your nerves as best you could. "It's so cool that I get to meet you!"

"You too, man."

"Dude, look at what she gave us." Keith said, showing him the gift. "She's so good!"
"Wow, this looks amazing!" He said, the smile on his face growing wider and looking up at you. You start to feel like you're blushing, but tried not to show it a lot.

The conversation switched to how I made it and questions on the gifts and other stuff. I couldn't help but sneak a peek at Damien every once in a while. But for some reason, every time you looked, you caught him staring back at you. It caught you a little off-guard, but you just brought your focus back to whoever was talking at the moment.

Why is he staring at me? Do I have something one my face? Is it something I said? All the worrying thoughts were swirling around. Just... be cool.

You took a few pictures with them and got them to sign some art. Before you could take a couple more steps away, Shayne called out to you. "Wait, (y/n)!"

You quickly turn around, stumbling a bit in the process. "What's up?" You cock your head a little to the side.

He checked his watch and nodded to himself."
"I forgot to tell you. You're around our age, right?"

"...yeah. Why?"

"Well..." He goes behind a table the group was near and bent down to grab something. He then quickly stands up and signals you to come back near them. You walk to them and... he hands you what looks like a business card?

"We randomly chose a time before we came to hand this out to someone. Just a fun idea, a raffle if you'd like. If you are looking for... I don't know, a new job, we have one opening for the company."

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now