Chapter 23

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6 months later

You and Damien started dating ever since. You and him would always make time for each other, no matter what was going on in your life. You'd both do your best to make each other feel special. And sure, it was hard trying to get Ian to let you both date without firing either of you, but you got there. Now, everyone seemed to be fine with it, and surprisingly, a lot of people were happy with your relationship. And today, Shayne seemed incredibly excited when you announced your new status.

Flashback to earlier today

"Hey, Shayne?" You called out, holding Damien's hand. It was just a couple minutes after the latest shoot and you wanted to finally tell him. He turned around and walked to you.

"What's up, (y/n/n2)? Hey, Damien." He said.

"So... we wanted to tell you something." Damien said. "It's been going on for a while, and we wanted to tell you."

"You're part of the mafia?!" He guessed, shocked. You squinted your eyes at him.

"... how did you know?"

You got both of them to laugh, and you chuckled at your own joke too.

"But seriously, what is it?" He asked. You looked up at Damien and he nodded.

"... we're dating."

"AAAAAHH!" He screamed . You and Damien jumped at his excitement. "FINALLY. YOU GUYS WERE SO OBLIVIOUS AT EACH OTHERS FEELINGS."

"For real? You knew Damien had a crush on me the whole time?" You asked. "Well, why didn't you tell me?"

"I knew you wouldn't believe me. Your self confidence was at an all time low." He said.

"Yeah, that's true." You admitted, giggling. "It still kinda is."

"And you didn't tell me that (y/n) liked me back? Why?" Damien asked.

"Same situation. You'd probably say something like 'Oh, but why would she have a crush on me? She's so amazing and stunning and talented, and I'm just me.'" He mocked. You blushed at "Damien's" compliments. Yeah, knowing him, he'd say that. "Anyways, congrats man. You guys are perfect for each other. And now, I can finally post that photo of you and Damien cuddling while you slept at the sleepover."

"Wait, you were never asleep?" Damien asked. "How much do you hide from us?"

"Only a couple things. Don't you worry about it." He said, pulling out his phone. He tapped it a couple times and showed you a photo of you sleeping on top of Damien's chest, his arm around you, both covered in a blanket.

"Okay, that's really cute." You said, covering your red face. Sure , you two were dating now, but it's still blushworthy.

"Anyways, how many other people have you told?" He asked.

"... yeah, you're the last one to find out." You said.

"We've been dating for 6 months." Damien added.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Well, why didn't you figure it out sooner?"

"Tell me why."

"Just process of elimination."

"Fuck you."

"Leave that to me." Damien joked. You burst out in laughter, crouching down to the floor. They laughed at the joke, and you as well. "Anyways, we should head home now."

"You guys are living together?"

"Well, he's still getting his stuff into my apartment for now, but he's sleeping over today." You explained.

"Alright. Well have fun and remember: make sure to use protection." Shayne joked. You slapped his arm in embarrassment, knowing that he said it loud enough for people to overhear, and he laughed again.

"See ya, Shayne." Damien said, linking his arm around mine and skipping away with me.

Once we got to his car, he snuck his head under the crook of your neck and started to kiss your sweet spot, sucking lightly. You squirmed a bit, not wanting to do this in front of society's eyes.

"Save it for the bedroom, Haas. Please? For me?" You begged, trying not to moan. He whined and pulled his head back. Ever since you started dating, he's gotten so impatient to... y'know. But guess what? You still got your V card. You're too afraid to even try doing it, so take that.

He turned you that way your back was against his car, his arms at your sides. You tried to keep your eyes locked on his, since it seemed like he needed you to. "You don't know how badly I want you, y'know." He said, caressing your cheek lightly, biting his lip. Seriously, we need to do this at home, man.

"Damiennn~" You called out. It seemed like your tone caught his attention, because he stopped and gave you his full focus. "Can we please do this at home?" You said, tugging on his shirt.

He huffed and walked to the other side of the car to start driving. You sighed in relief and stepped into the car, buckling in. He got in too, and started to drive to your house. You tried to avoid his quick glances at you all the way to your house.

As soon as you got to your apartment, you hopped out and slightly speed walked to your door. You fumbled with your keys and opened your front door. You felt his presence behind you, but you tried to ignore it. You got to your room and looked at Damien. He was getting closer and closer to you, with a simple smirk. You tripped on your own feet and fell to the floor, the wall stopping you from backing up any farther. Help, I'm terrified.

"What's wrong, Kitten?" He purred. My mind went blank. What the heck am I supposed to say? "Sorry, but I have gotten incredibly scared about your want for the pants off, dance off." After a couple seconds of you trying to speak, he chuckled. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Gee, thanks for the cat puns. Great time for that." You finally got out. He bent down and took your chin in his hand, moving it up to look into his eyes.

"I love getting you flustered and shy. It's so much fun."

"Why, because of my reaction?"

"No. Because I know I can change that in a second."

A/N: Haha, okay that's enough. I may finish this chapter. But it'll take months for me to even try. Either finish this, or keep my dignity. Maybe someday, I won't care anymore.

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now