Chapter 10

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"Hey, guys! Welcome to Smosh Games. Today, we have someone neeEEWWWW!" Lasercorn exclaims. "Everyone meet (y/n)!"

The room starts clapping and you feel a tad bit embarrassed. You weren't used to the attention.

"Heyo, I'm (y/n). Please don't hate me." You say, waving to the camera next you, a smile spreading onto your face.

"She's a new member of Smosh and this is going to be the first video she'll be in! You're all gonna love her!" Lasercorn added.

"Yup! And after this, you can't escape!" Damien joked, showing a thumbs up to the camera near him.

The room is filled with laughter and you can't help but join in.

"Today, we're playing (y/f/g). So, get ready
(y/n) because if you displease any one of us, we will feed you to the bottomless pit." Wes explains.

"Wait, what?" You ask with a serious face, pretending to be an unhealthy mix of confusion and corcern. The room notices as well and erupts with laughter again.
"Anyways, let's get started!"

After shooting the video
"And that's a wrap!"

The room cheered and laughed. Playing (y/f/g) was so much more fun when you're with your favorite people, rather than alone in your bed. Yeah, this is a day I'll remember forever. Your heart warms up and you sigh happily.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Mari asked to everyone. We looked around at each other.

"I mean, I don't know about you guys... but I'm already pretty tired." Lasercorn said.

"Yeah, I can't help but say the same." You added with a yawn.

"I mean, you were really into that game." Damien said. "You were freaking out, thinking so much out loud, and you were focusing really hard. It doesn't seem like much a surprise that you're tired." He chuckled at you.

"Yeah, you're really competitive." Mari said. "I mean it in a good way, of course."

"It's one of my worst habits. Getting super into the game, yet I'm only average and I'm not that good." You start to feel slightly upset, leading yourself into this train of thought.

"Hey don't worry! You were amazing. Heck, you won more rounds than I did." Wes said.

"Well of course she did, cause you suck." Mari joked. Everyone giggled, while Wes pretended to cry.

"I can't believe you said thattt. Ahhhhhhh." He whined and wiped a fake tear from his eye. "But seriously, what's the plan now?" He added.

"I dunno. I'm just here to have fun, play games and embarrass myself." You replied.

"Well, it is your first day. You can do whatever you want, dude. It's 5 o'clock." Damien said.

What the heck do I do? I mean, I'd love to go home and rest, but I don't want this day to end. It's been so much fun.

"Well, I guess I'll-" Before you could finish, Shayne walks into the room. "Oh hey, Shayne. What's up?"

"Yo, we're shooting a Every Blank Ever, you wanna join?" He asked.

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now