Short Story #1

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A Heist with Markiplier spoilers!!!

You were walking down the halls of the Smosh building, going over to see how the latest Smosh Games video is going. You've gotten used to the layout and have gotten the hang of finding where you need to go.

You found the room and peaked your head through the doorway. Damien noticed you and gave you a quick wave with a smile on his face. You wave back as well, blushing a little bit.

Your eyes start to wander around the room, only to find Joven screaming at his screen. "I WILL RIP EVERY ORGAN OUT OF YOUR BODY!"

You decided that was enough spying and left the room. As you walked around, you suddenly got the urge to sit on the hallway ground.
I don't think anyone cares. Plus, not like there's anything else to do.

You slip onto the floor and bring your knees to your chest, in case someone would be passing by. You check your hoodie pocket and find some earbuds and your phone.

As you scroll through your iTunes playlist, you spot I Don't Wanna Be Free from A Heist With Markiplier, and click on the song, placing the ends of your earbuds into your ears.

As you listen to the calming music, you see Olivia walking towards you. She stared at you, slightly concerned. You awkwardly waved back. You looked back at your phone and pause the song to greet her.

"Hey, there."

"What are you doing?" Olivia chuckled.

"Welp, I had nothing else to do so I sat on the floor and decided to listen to some music."

Olivia smiled at you, admiring the weird self that you were. "What 'cha listening to?"

You mentally panic and mutter. "Just a song from Markiplier."

"Ooooo, can I listen? I'd love to hear your taste in music!" She seemed interested, so I gestured her to come over. She walked to me and slid down next to me onto the ground. You pass her one earbud and she takes in and puts it in her ear.

You're in for it now, (y/n) You say to yourself, knowing what's to come. She seems pleased with the song, lightly swaying her head side to side... until the sentence.

"I never think about the world beyond, then I'd recall how I killed my mom-"

Thanks a lot, Mark. Olivia looks back at you, actually looking concerned this time. All you did was stare at the ground, expressively showing a guilty face.

Soon, Shayne walked in and spotted Olivia staring at me like I killed a dog and me looking like I know that I killed a dog. You look back at him, a displeasurable look smacked on your face. He points at both of you without saying anything, then immediately turns around and walks away.

You look back at Olivia, nodding your head. "Yeah, you can go now."

A/N: Heya. I just needed a break from the story, so hope you don't mind. I'm also changing a lot that's going on, so it's kind of rough. I'll do my best, though.

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now