Chapter 12

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Damien's POV

I watched Wes drive off with (y/n), my mind still processing everything that just happened.

Why did Wes interrupt me? Did he not want me to come? Is (y/n) fine with this? Did she really not want to hang out with me?

I shook the thoughts away and walked to my car. I didn't want to think about the possibilities at the moment, so once I got in, I plugged my phone into the aux cord and started to play some music. More specifically, the song that me and (y/n) were singing to work. Now that I look back, it was a cute moment. The thought made me blush a bit as I started to car and left the parking lot.

I sang along with (singer), letting my mind drift off. What would (y/n) do if I told her that my platonic feelings towards her have turned into something new? What would she do if I told her tomorrow? Next week? Next year?.. What if I never told her? At this point, I was too busy thinking about different scenarios of confession to worry about what happened with her and Wes.

My muscle memory did all the driving while my mind stayed active on something else. I got to my apartment and opened the door, letting my body decide where to go. I ended up in my bedroom and flopped onto the bed.

I didn't even truly realize what I was doing, until I looked down and saw my hands working on a bunch of origami hearts made out of Post It's. I already made 5, each a different color, and once I actually noticed, I scooted back a bit and took the image in. What the heck? I sat there, just looking down... Could I give these to her as a gift? No, that's stupid. They're just a bunch of paper hearts. I should stop... and make something better.

I hopped off the bed and walked over to the living room. I snatched some more Post It's, as well as a plain piece of liner paper, some (favorite chocolate)s and a (f/c) paper bag. It won't be much, but it's the thought that counts. I went back to my room and jumped onto the bed, starting the gift immediately.

I don't know why I was doing this, my emotions just kind of kicked in and I wanted to make something for (y/n). She is amazing, though. And funny and kind and talented. Ooooo, I could give this to her when we get a chance to hang out! The plan was formed and I'm going to stick to it.

Your POV

You and him walked around Michaels for a while, grabbing a couple decorations here and here. Wes seemed pleased with your selections, and you were just having fun.

"You're good at this!" Wes noticed.

"This? This is nothing." You deflected.

"I wish I knew you when I was helping out with my brother's birthday." He looked down at the cart he was rolling with all the decorations in it. "I think this is enough. Let's head to the checkout." He turned around and rolled to the cashiers. You followed him until you reached to one.

"I can pay if you want." You suggested. He turned to you, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why would you do that?"

"I dunno. To be nice?"

"I'm paying." The cashier finished scanning the items and Wes inserted his credit card. A couple seconds went by, and you and him grabbed the bags and walked out.

You both already got the cake and other things, so since this was the last stop, he was driving you to your apartment.

"Thanks for helping me out today. I have no clue what I'd've do if you didn't come."

"No problem. I like helping people out."

The car was filled with silence, but not an awkward silence. Just a peaceful one. You turned and gazed out the window, not knowing what else to do. I hope I can make it up to Damien soon. I didn't want to leave him there, Wes just took me away. Though, I'm sure he didn't mean to seem forceful. He's a nice guy. He wouldn't do that.

"You having a movie moment?" Wes said, breaking the silence. You turned your head to him, a little confused.


"Sorry, that's just what I call those. You were staring out the window like a sad drama movie. Anything bothering you?"

See, he's nice. "No, I just started looking out the window. Nothing's wrong." You reassured.

"Alright." The car stopped in front of the apartments and you hopped out. "Again, thanks for coming with me today."

"No problem. I had fun." You waved goodbye and jogged over to your apartment as you heard Wes drive off. You hopped onto your bed and immediately texted Damien.

(left side is Damien, right side is you)

Hey Damien
Sry about what happened with Wes
I honestly have no clue why he cut u off

It's ok
I have no idea either

What day should we hang out?

Any day's fine

How about this weekend?

I'm not doing anything on Saturday

That's chill with me
See you then!
(Same plan)


You put your phone away and stared up at the ceiling. Let's hope that nothing goes wrong this time.

A/N: Another chapter done! Will things be smooth sailing from here? Or will things get even worse? I don't know, I'm still brainstorming. Anyways, tune in next time for So It Ended Up Like This, Huh?

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