Chapter 16

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You got to your apartment and started packing your things. You grabbed an oversized black t-shirt with some baggy (f/c) plaid pants, your toothbrush and toothpaste, some deodorant, clothes for tomorrow, and your sketchbook and pencil just in case. I may stay up late drawing. You put it all into a duffel bag and went back to your car.

You checked your phone and found Shayne's text, showing his address. You plugged it into the Map app and got into your car, driving off, listening to the GPS voice leading you to Shayne's apartment.

1 drive later

You hopped out of your car, put the duffel bag over your shoulder and nearly sprinted to Shayne's door. You quickly knocked on his door and it opened almost immediately, revealing Shayne with slightly messy hair and wearing a white t-shirt and black sweatpants.

"That was pretty quick." He remarked.

You shrugged and he stepped aside to let you in. You walked in and he led you to his room, letting you place your duffel bag on his bed.

"If you want, you can change into your pajamas in my room." Shayne suggested.

"Oh sure, thanks!" He nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. You opened your bag and got out your PJs. I wonder when Damien'll get here. You quickly changed into it, folding your old outfit and tucking it into your bag.

You zipped up the bag and opened the door to look for Shayne. He was standing in the living room next to Damien, wearing his pajamas as well: a (f/c) crewneck sweatshirt and (f/c) plaid pants. Why are all of our pajamas somehow related?

"Hey guys! You got any ideas on what to do now?" You asked, grabbing both of their attention. Damien looked you up and down, his face getting more and more pink.

Damien's POV

She looks so cute in those baggy clothes. I couldn't help but blush at the sight of her. She seemed to notice my staring, so I quickly looked away.

"Hey, (y/n). We didn't really have any ideas on what to do. We were hoping you had some ideas." Shayne answered. She squinted her eyes, trying to think of something to do.

"... we could do a pillow fort."

"YES!" I screamed, throwing my hands into the air. Both Shayne and (y/n) jumped at my sudden energy. I quickly noticed how extra I was being and tucked my hands behind my back. "Uh, whoops. Sorry about that." I chuckled and (y/n) and Shayne joined in.

"I'll take that as a yes." (y/n) joked. "Anyways, do you mind if we just take all your blankets and pillows for this?" She asked Shayne.

"No problem. You got a plan?" He asked.

"I have a design that I've wanted to try out for a while. I'll just sketch it out on a piece of paper and you guys can help out, maybe add some bits of your own if you want." She then walked out and into Shayne's bedroom.

"So, you ever gonna try kissing her again?" Shayne asked me. I jumped and my face went red. do he know?

"W-what did you say?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I heard about your failed attempts. So, when are you going to try again?"

"W-where did you hear that?" I stalled.

"None of your business. Besides, you'll find out soon enough."

Shayne has never really been a mysterious type of person, but I was getting really weird vibes from him.

"Okay, then. But, I don't think she likes me back. I never got to find out since every time I tried to make a move, we were interrupted."

"I saw you guys holding hands during the latest Every Blank Ever shoot, though."

"Well, you were holding (y/n)'s hand when you ran off with her to go for a walk." I answered his non-question. "And Wes held her hand when he took her from me." I muttered. Shayne's face showed incredible shock.

"What did you say?"

I took a deep breath and explained. "Me and (y/n) were planning to hang out a couple days ago. When I walked outside looking for her, she was talking to Wes. She said that Wes asked her if she could help out with some things. I asked if I could tag along, but Wes interrupted before I could even finish my sentence. He then grabbed (y/n)'s hand and left with her."

Shayne whispered something to himself, but I couldn't quite hear. Something like "So that's what she was talking about." What was she talking about? And who is she?

"Don't worry. She's comfortable around you, and I've even seen her grow a little nervous. I'm sure that the feelings are mutual."

"Don't say that. You'll give me too much hope."

"Well, one thing's for sure: she's a little suspicious about Wes herself."

"Really?" I don't know why I was happy about that. Did I really grow not to like Wes in such a short amount of time?

"Yeah. She even wanted to make a nickname to call me in case she wanted me to make up an excuse to not talk to Wes. It's pretty clever."

I blushed slightly. "O-oh." was all I could mutter out.

Right after that, (y/n) appeared holding a huge stack of pillows and blankets, even pushing a mattress with her feet.

"Where did you get all this? I barely have anything in my room." Shayne remarked.

"I have my ways." She answered, dropping all of the materials on the living room floor, looking up with a mischievous grin. "I drew out the plan on my sketchbook. Take a look." She then picked out a sketchbook that laid on the top of the pile and handed it to use. I grabbed it and looked at the page.

It looked really cool and there were some notes on the side, most of them being tips and tricks, what would certain parts be held together by, and what would certain parts would be made of. It honestly looked really neat. Though, there was a doodle of three people on the bottom right hand corner. It seemed to be her, Shayne, and me, with our arms around each other's shoulders. That's really cute.

Shayne was peeking at the drawing over my shoulder as I geeked out about how talented (y/n) was and how lucky I was to know someone like her on a personal level.

"This is really good!" Shayne exclaimed.

She squinted her eyes in confusion. "What do you mean? It's a mess." She said, scratching the back of her head.

"Hush, you're amazing." I said, ignoring her face growing red... but I still noticed. "Yeah, I think we'll be able to do this. It's a good plan."

"Okay!" She beamed. "Let's do this!"

A/N: I'm a bit more organized about this story now, so hopefully nothing will go wrong. There isn't much to say about this chapter soooooo bye.

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now