Chapter 18

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Turns out, I was drifting off. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my notes. Lets hope this is enough. "Shayne, you are my closest friend in the whole world. You cheer me up in my darkest days and sometimes it seems like you don't deal with anything bad in your life besides running out of protein powder. I'm so glad you've stuck around me for this long, otherwise I may not have even gotten to know all the people I hang out with now. You showed me a whole new group of people and with your help, you made it comfortable for me. And I appreciate that a lot."

"Thanks, dude." He said, raising his fist. I pounded mine against it with a stupid grin.

"And now, you." I announced to (y/n). She seemed to tense up a bit. "When I first saw you, or when you first saw me, you seemed almost terrified of me. You suddenly froze and turned really shy, compared to when you were talking with the others. I never really knew what to think of that besides you were genuinely scared of me. But time passed and I found out that the only reason you were like that was because you looked up to me so much that you were only terrified of you making a bad impression on me. That alone makes you better than so many people. But no. You're perfect in personality, looks, and mind. In some other world, you could've been my worst enemy from how jealous I am of you. I still don't understand how I got the attention of someone so incredible."

She was silent. She looked down at the ground, her face a deep shade of red. "I-I don't know why you see me like that..." She muttered. "I'm not like that, not like that at all."

"And what makes you think I'd lie to you about that?" I asked. She jumped, a little shocked that I heard her.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

There was a beat of silence, until (y/n) cleared her throat. "Uh well, we should start the next exercise. Who's gonna hug who first?"

"Well, you and Shayne haven't gone first so... yeah." I reminded.

"Alright." (y/n) said. She scooted over to where Shayne was, and waited for some type of sign to start. All Shayne did was shrug and open his arms. Once (y/n) started to hug him back, I started to count in my head.

Shayne caught a whiff of her. "Yo, not to be weird, but you smell good."

"Thanks. You do too." She reflected. I don't know why, but a hint of jealousy hit me. You know he doesn't like her like that. He wouldn't do that to you. So, why am I jealous?

I didn't want to deal with those thoughts anymore, so I stopped the time at 2 minutes and 18 seconds instead of waiting for the full time to be over.

"Imma be honest, that seemed pretty quick." (y/n) observed. Damn it, she's good.

"You think so?" I asked her.

"Yeah, but I'm probably just imagining things." She shrugged. Yeah, no you're not. "You and Shayne could start."

"Okay." I moved over to Shayne.

"Yay, hugs." He said, wrapping his arms around me. I put my arms around him as well, resting my head on his shoulder. His body warmth heated me up, relaxing my muscles. It wasn't awkward, so that was even better.

"Yayyy, bromance." (y/n) intervened. She got a chuckle from the both of us. A few more seconds passed and (y/n) called time. We both let go, and I looked over to (y/n). She avoided eye contact for a bit, then looked up timidly.

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now