Chapter 5

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Back at home
After a long ride back home, you open the door to your apartment and flop onto the bed.
"I'm so drained, man." You thought aloud.
You look around your room, looking for an idea on what to do.

"Netflix? Nah. Drawing? Not feeling it. YouTube? Somehow, no. That's odd."
You gaze into the endless abyss, until you got an idea.

I'm gonna work with them for a while, why not get to know them a bit?

You open your phone to the home screen and get out the card they gave you. You dial the number and sit on the edge of your bed, your foot bouncing up and down on the ground.

*ring, ring-ring, ring*

"Hello, who is this?" You hear another voice say on the other side, which you could only assume to be Courtney.

"Uh, hey. It's (y/n). We met at Vidcon and you said I... could join." You spoke hesitantly.

"Oh, (y/n)! How are you?"

You feel a bit more relaxed and you didn't realize you were hunching your shoulders until you dropped them down.

"I'm doing pretty good! How about you?"

"I'm doing just fine. Anyways, what'd you call about?" She questions.

"I was just wondering if you had some free time to talk. I figured that if I was going to work with you guys, I'd get to know you."

"Sure! I'll FaceTime you on my phone, since Ian wants his phone back."

Before you could respond, she hung up, them immediately got a call from an unknown number on FaceTime. Your hair was a mess and you were already in your pajamas. Shoot, I at least needed time to make myself a little more presentable.

You sighed and accepted the call.

"Hey." You awkwardly wave at her, rubbing your eyes.

"Did you just wake up? You look like a mess." She joked.

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence. But, no. I just wanted to get comfy and I haven't brushed my hair."

"Totally get you, dude." She replied. Phew, I'm safe. "So, what's up?"
It's been almost 3 hours and you and Courtney were still talking. You talked about hobbies, invention ideas, and silly stories from when you were young. You've bonded so much over a short amount of time.

"And then, she just fell! For no reason!" You say. Courtney was cracking up on the other side of the screen.

"That's so stupid!" She said between laughs. She settles down after a bit and exhales out.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"
You were caught a bit off guard with the tone in her voice, but answered anyway.

"Alright, then. Shoot."

"How come you made Damien a gift, but a group gift for the rest of us. Are we not good enough for you?" She pretended to cry at the end and wipe away tears. You couldn't help but laugh. "Though, seriously. How come?"

"He's just my favorite member. That's all." Though, that wasn't all.

To be honest, you mayyyy have had the tiiiiiiniest crush on him for a while, but you knew it wouldn't lead to anything. Though, now that your life took an unexpected twist, you wondered about it. Don't get too ahead of yourself you'd say. But you couldn't help it.

"Suuuure, I getcha." She clicked her tongue and made the okay sign with her hand.

"Seriously! Besides, you're getting too ahead of yourself. We just met."

"You ever hear about a thing called love at first sight? It's exists, you know. I ship it."

You feel your face heat up and you shyly cover your face. "Shut up."

"Ooo, I wonder what your ship name would be... I GOT IT! (y/s/n)! It's perfect!"

You freak out and start waving your hands. "Nonononono. None of that, please." You giggle.

"Come on, (y/n). You got to admit it's good." She cocks her head to the side, waiting for an answer.

"No, I don't have to. You cAN'T MAKE ME!"
You and her laugh it off for a bit.
"Alright, fine." She replies with her hands in the air. "Have it your way."

"Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to me. I really enjoyed it." You say with a small grin.

"Me too. I'm so glad I got to know you... now I'm going to tell everyone about your obsession on-."

"NO!" You shout. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME, MAN! I HAVE A LIFE, A REPUTATION TO FUFIL!" You cracked up, but stopped quickly. "Though, really. I'm glad about it too. I can't wait to work with you."

"Same...well, it's been a really long time. Guess we should get ready for bed."

You checked the time and understood. You needed to wake up early to start packing. "Alright, see you soon Court."

"Buhbyeeeee!" She hung up and you hold your phone to your chest. You had a good feeling about this.

A/N: Hey guys! Imma do these author notes now at the end of each chapter. Sorry that this took a while. I had to change up the events a bit to fit the story more... that's about it. Alright, see yaaaaa.

So It Ended Up Like This, Huh? (A Damien Haas x Reader Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now