Chapter 1: Welcome to Coffee Sanctuary

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AN: Hey there guys! This will be my second book. Just a disclaimer this is not related to the first one, this is a whole new story with new characters I hope you'll love.

If you haven't read my first book, please check it out! ;)


*Bzzzzzt* *Bzzzzzt* *Bzzzzzt*

The sound of my alarm pierced through my ears.

I reached out for my phone on my side table and glanced at the clock.

7:00 AM

I burried my face into my pillow, right after I saw the time.

"C'mon Brie, you have to get to work." I said to myself and with all the strength I have, I sat up on my bed.

My name is Bridgette Campbell, my friends and family call me "Brie". I own a café in Downtown called "Coffee Sanctuary" and my life pretty much revolves around it.

Having a café in Downtown is challenging. All those busy people in a hurry to catch a coffee break in the middle of their work, or those that are trying to get a quick coffee before they get on their buses are my daily costumers.

You get the idea, for a café that has books and magazines you can go through to chill, mine's really busy.

The idea of putting up a café is my mom's. She's Filipina and lived in Batangas, a place in the Philippines famous for their coffee. When she was still with us, she would dream of putting up a nice little coffee shop, with books and board games where people can find peace. That's the reason I took up business management, her dream have always inspired me. It's just sad that she passed away even before I was able to put up her dream business.

My daily routine involves waking up at 7 AM from Tuesday until Saturday and get ready for work. I open my cafe at 10 in the morning, so I had to be there about 45 minutes before. From 10 AM till 10 PM, I stay there. Sometimes in my office, most of the time helping out my employees.

After 10 PM, I stay for 30 more minutes to finish up the sales records for the day. I usually get home at 11 PM, hit the sack and boom! On to the next day.

I know my life's pretty boring. I guess that's what you expect when you're living alone. You try to keep yourself busy so you won't notice the empty house you live in.

Since my mom died, I live in this five bedroom house alone. My dad and older brother are not around that much because of their work.

My dad is part of the Canadian Armed Forces and my brother is a professional hockey player. Dad stays wherever he's deployed and my brother usually stays in the province or state where his game will be.

I just finished taking a quick shower, so I started to blow dry my hair. I usually eat breakfast at my café. Since I live alone, cooking my meal is just a waste of time. I let my wavy hair down, put on some light make up, grabbed my keys and off to work.


"Good morning ma'am" Samantha, one of my baristas greeted as I enter the café.

"I told you, just call me Brie" I replied and she just smiled back.

She's been working with me, from the day I opened my business. I have nine employees in total: three baristas, three servers that work in rotation shifts, some are part-time, others work full-time; one assistant manager who is on vacation right now and two maintenance crews, one for morning and one for the evening shift. 

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