Chapter 14: A Game of Hockey

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After what happened between me and Levi; plus Tori and me, I desperately need some leisure time.

Good thing my brother's practice game is tonight, this should take my mind away from those two.

Jordan gave me and Rey two tickets each for the game. Expectedly, Rey brought Mike with him and for me, well I asked Denisse. She's the only employee I know who enjoys hockey as much as we do.

"Will you be wishing Jordan good luck?" Rey asked as I make my way down the bleachers.

"Yeah, game's about to start in a few, so I better go see him" I said.

"Wish him luck for us!" Mike cheered and I nodded.

I went to the player's locker room, where I saw my brother caught up with some fans asking for his autograph.

"Well, you haven't lost your touch to the ladies" I mocked him.

"Hey! There you are baby sis! I thought you forgot to wish me luck" he replied and gave me a tight hug.

"I would never. Good luck on your game" I said and hugged him back.

"So? Did you bring someone with you?" he asked.

"Yeah, I brought one of my employees"

"Geez! You're hopeless. It's been two months since I gave that to you and you haven't dated anyone else since then?"

"What do you expect? I'm busy, y'know" I answered and rolled my eyes at him.

"Whatever you say. See you after the game" he said and kissed me on my forehead.

I walked away from him, supposedly back to the bleachers but I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"I didn't expect you to like sports" Levi said. My face flushed as I recall the last thing that happened between us.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" she added in an annoying tone which snapped me back to reality.

"My brother's a hockey player. What's your excuse for roaming around here?" I growled at her.

"Endorsements" she replied proudly. How could I forget that this jerk is a model for sports brands. Sheesh!

"Whatever, goodbye" I said to her then she suddenly grabbed my wrist.

"What the...?"

"Shhh! Get inside" she said and pushed me into one of the rooms.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled at her.

"Shhh!" she shushed me and placed her hand on top of my mouth.

The smell of her hand reminded me of the night we were together. My heart skipped a beat, as my lungs tried to catch its breath.

She removed her hand from my mouth when the commotion outside subside.

"What was that?" I asked and pushed her hand away.

"The Press, if they see you with me? You're in a lot of trouble" she answered.

"So am I suppose to thank you?" I replied with one of my eyebrows arched up.

"No need, just doing it all for you" she said and winked.

God! Why did I even kiss this jerk! I shook my head and reached for the door knob to open it. Then she grabbed my wrist again.

"What now?" I asked and looked at her. She stared back at me with her gray eyes and stepped closer.

"That night, you kissed me back" she said and I swallowed hard. Did I expect her not to notice that? Maybe I'm the stupid one.

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