Chapter 32: The Devil Is An Angel

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"Hurry up! We'll be late for our client meeting!" Rey commanded while I was doing my make up.

"Just wait for a minute!" I answered.

Six months have passed after Tori left me alone in this cruel world. I still miss her everyday, but I am doing what she wants me to do. Live my life to its fullest.

I still go home to the Sinclair's mansion. I don't want to leave Annabeth alone and I always want to surround myself with Tori's creations. It's like I'm living in her world whenever I'm there.

I got used to Alex's cold glares and George's uncaring smile. Having Emily around makes everything else a bit better.

As usual I burried myself with work after what happened. It's my way of distracting myself from everything I have gone through these past months.

We are now trying to expand the café outside the city, and we are about to meet our very first client.

"Brie! C'mon!" Rey yelled again, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Alright, alright" I replied.

I am so lucky to have someone like Rey. He was with me through it all and I couldn't ask for a more awesome "sister".

Rey got in the car and started the engine.

"Do you even know our client's name?" I asked.

"No, I only talked with the secretary but she said the client will also be there to meet with us and sign the papers" Rey replied.

"It's just weird franchising a business but not talking to the people you're doing business with" I said.

"Who knows, but they seem to be legit"

"They better be, or else they just wasted our time and efforts" I huffed.


We arrived at the restaurant the secretary told us, she's already there waiting but the client is not.

"Hi, I'm Rey! We talked over the phone" Rey introduced himself and reached out his hand.

"Hello! Yes, I remember. I'm Jane, my boss will be here soon. She's just running a bit late" the secretary answered and shook Rey's hand.

"And this is Bridgette, she's my business partner" Rey said and I offered my hand to Jane.

"Hi, nice to meet you" she said and shook my hand.

We sat down and Rey laid out the papers in front of Jane to discuss the agreement.

"Everything looks perfect. My boss also read the file you sent and she agreed to your terms. Basically, we're just waiting for her to sign and to discuss the plans how it will be built outside the city" Jane said.

"Sorry for being late" a familiar voice echoed behind.

Then a stud with tanned skin and black hair sat in front of me.

"Just in time, this is my boss, Levi McKenzie" Jane's voice faded in my ears.

It's been so long since I last saw Levi. She didn't came back to modelling, nor to the city. She literally went out of the radar, even before I married Tori.

"Hi, how are you?" Levi asked with a soft smile and Rey is just as shocked as I am.

"G-good. Nice to see you again" I replied.

"Oh, you know each other?" Jane asked.

"Uhm, yeah! Levi is one of our regular customers in the café" Rey intervened.

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