Chapter 3: The Rude Tattoo Artist

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"We advise everyone to stay indoors and cancel any travels if it's deemed not necessary. Thunderstorm warning is placed all through out the Province with scattered hailstones" the weather reporter on the TV announced.

Today's not that busy because of the thunderstorm, most companies in Downtown called the day off. I might as well close the café early today, so my employees can go home before it starts pouring rain.

I stepped out of my office and looked around the café to check if we can close early. We still have a couple of customers, so I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon but I guess I can send some of my employees home.

"Alright, is there anyone of you who likes to go home now?" I asked them and all of them just looked at each other.

"I think it's fine that we stay here, it's not that busy so we get to rest too" Samantha answered. She has a point, if the café is not busy they get to earn money just by chilling.

"Okay, let me know if anyone changed their mind" I said, then everyone else went back to what they were doing.

I prepared the last order taken, a cup of coffee with one cream and two sugar. I placed it on the bar and Denisse took it to serve to the customer sitting at the corner table, near the window.

I looked at the customer and seems like she's just new at our café. I took one cookie and placed it on a plate.

"What table number?" Denisse asked.

"Take it to the new customer. That's our complimentary cookie" I replied.


"The one who ordered the coffee with one cream and two sugar"

"Oh, Tori. She's not new here. She usually sits at the patio because she smokes while drinking coffee. Due to the weather, she decided to sit inside" Denisse explained.

"Is that so? I thought she's a new customer" I said and glanced at her.

She has blonde short hair with highlights, the sides are clearly shaven, fair skin and from where I'm standing I see tattoo almost covering her right arm. Her good looks are comparable to Levi but this one looks more reserved rather than conceited.


Hours passed and one by one our customers started to leave. It's just 7 PM, still early to close but no other customers are coming in.

I was checking on the pastries when Samantha grabbed the coffee maker and started to make one cup. I looked around and we still have Tori, sitting near the window looking at the pouring rain.

Samantha gave the cup to Karen, one of my part-time servers and she walked towards Tori.

"What the hell?!" I heard a loud growl from the corner of the café.

I looked over and seems like Karen accidentally spilled the coffee on the table and on Tori's pants.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... it was an accident, sorry" she repeatedly apologized and tried to wipe the coffee off Tori's pants.

"Don't touch me! Of course it must be an accident because you're such a clumsy bitch!" Tori exclaimed, that's when I decided to step in.

"I'm sorry she didn't mean to. Let me get you some towel to clean that off" I said in a calm tone.

"You're their manager right? Don't you train them to be more careful?"

"They are doing their best to serve our customers pleasantly but accidents can happen" I replied.

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