Chapter 28: Living While Dying

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Days past slowly after knowing Tori's condition. We still stayed at the cabin but we had to visit the city more often for her regular check up. It's a good thing that the issue is not as eminent as before. Still, reporters are waiting for my return in the café. That doesn't concern me anymore, all I want now is for my love to get better.

"Are you ready?" I asked Tori while waiting for her to go down the stairs. 

She still looks healthy, except for the coarse cough she would have from time to time. She also has bruise marks from who knows where and the shortened love making we would have because she'll frequently experience difficulty in breathing.

"Yeah, I am" she replied and went down stairs. 

She has another check up today and I always go with her. Reporters seeing us together is the least of our concern. We got in the car and Joe drove us to the hospital.

Tori's mom cried after Emily told her Tori's condition. Ever since the day she decided to get checked, she only told Emily about it - not her mom, dad, or Alex. We will visit them after her check up, to see Annabeth. Also, to tell Alex and her dad what's going on. 


"Dorothy Sinclair?" the nurse called with a blush on her face. "Please come this way" she said and lead Tori inside the x-ray room. 

If she's not a nurse, I might have slapped that stupid smile off her face. I know that's a barbaric thing to do, but I hate girls looking at my love like a tasty meal. I gritted my teeth as I think about it. 

"Hey, you're here again" a familiar voice greeted.

"Oh, hi Levi" I replied.

"Waiting for someone?" she asked with a soft smile. 

"Yes and you?"

"I'm waiting for Pauline to finish her shift. She's still not familiar of the bus routes here, the last thing I want to happen is for her to get lost" she answered.

"That's sweet of you" I said and smiled at her. 

"Are you waiting for your friend?"

"No, I'm waiting for Tori"

"Is she okay?" Levi said concernedly.

"Yeah" I lied and looked away from her. I know she wouldn't believe me, but I don't want to tell it to anyone. Heck! I haven't even told Rey about it. Maybe because I still cannot accept that it's the truth. 

"Please wait near room 116" the nurse said after opening the door for Tori. 

Levi looked at Tori and she just gave her a stern glare. 

"Let's go?" I asked Tori.

"You're the model right?" Tori faced Levi, brushing off my question.

"Levi" she replied and reached out her hand. Tori smirked and looked at Levi. 

"Keep it to yourself. Now, we're even" Tori said bluntly. Suddenly there's tension between them.

I wrapped my hands around Tori's arm and lightly tugged her to the direction the nurse told us, but she won't move a muscle.

I looked at Levi and she sighed and scratched her head.

"Damn, you sure can't forgive and forget" Levi said.

"I could easily forget, only if you don't look at Brie that way" Tori replied. I have a feeling this conversation won't end well, I murmured.

"Why? How do I look at her?" Levi taunted.

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