Chapter 9: Slumber Party

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A severe thunderstorm hits the province today. The café is still open but because of the heavy rain fall and strong winds, no customers are coming in. It's like a ghost town outside, street signs and tree branches all over the place, all types of garbage blown by the wind.

"I don't think we're getting any customers today" Rey said as we both look through the window.

"Yeah, I think so. Seems like we're also not going anywhere tonight" I answered and looked around the café. Mike, Denisse, Karen and Samantha are just sitting at the couch looking outside.

"Let's just all stay here for the night. It will be safer, instead of trying to go home in this thunderstorm. We have enough pastries and coffee for everyone" Rey suggested.

"Alright, I'll tell them" I replied.


"Awesome! It's like a slumber party!" Denisse said excitedly right after I told everyone to just stay for the night in the café.

"You could say that" Rey giggled when he heard Denisse.

We all arranged the seats next to each other to form a bed for each of us. Though I imagine myself just flopping my head on my desk to sleep.

Rey gathered all the pastries we put out for today and placed them on a table so anyone can grab whatever they like.

While eating our so called dinner, Denisse started a conversation. She's always this bubbly girl that lightens up any day -- one of the reasons I hired her.

"I was not in the food festival last time, did a lot of businesses joined?"

"Yes, there are fifty participants. I believe they had to limit it because the place can only accommodate that number of food stalls" I answered.

"Oh wow, then we must all be proud that we get to join the festival" she replied happily which made all of us smile.

"Of course we are. If not for this snowstorm I bet we have tons of customers today, considering that Levi promoted the café" Rey said. Then Denisse gasped in excitement or should I say disappointment?

"What?! Levi was there?!"

"Uh, yeah. Why?" Rey asked.

"She has this ultimate girl-crush on Levi" Samantha answered giggling.

"Oh, really? Sorry, I didn't know. If I knew that I should have brought you instead of Samantha" Rey answered laughing.

"Awww, if I had known I would have went there even you didn't bring me" Denisse said pouting like a little kid.

"Come on, if you were there you probably just stared at her all day and won't serve a single customer" Mike joined the conversation.

"Why not? I just find her really dreamy. She's like a prince from fairy tale books" Denisse answered with twinkles in her eyes.

"Just dream about her. I know for a fact that she likes Brie and not some child like you" Mike blurted which almost made me spill my coffee.

I looked at him with one eyebrow up. Rey tried to hide his smile, Samantha and Karen just looked at each other.

"What?" Mike asked as he saw me looking at him with murderous eyes.

Rey cleared his throat and before he can even say anything, Denisse spoke.

"I know, I don't have anything against Brie. I can see that Levi likes her but I still have a crush on Levi. That's fine right?" she said and looked at me.

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