Chapter 22: Be In Love

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We went inside Tori's apartment and just as I expected, it's neat with a lot of her artwork all over the wall. The place has her smell, like a mix of mint and tea - very soothing.

I looked around admiring every bit of display, from sketches to paintings. I bet she has more but she just chose the best ones to display.

"What do you want for dinner? Let's just call for delivery" Tori said, as I look around the walls of her apartment.

"Hmm.. I just want something sweet. Which ever you like, just order anything with sugar for me" I replied.

"O-kay..." she replied reluctantly.

I sat down her sofa and she handed me the TV remote, as she makes a call on her phone.

I turned on the TV and of course it's on Sinclair's channel. Tori may say she hates her family but she definitely cares about them.

Entertainment news is on, the reporter on screen is interviewing a familiar person.

"So, is it true that this will be the end of your modeling career?" the reporter asked Levi.

"I wouldn't say end, just put it into a pause" she replied.

"Is there a reason behind it?"

"Not really, I just want to live in peace for a while with my family" Levi answered.

"Is Scarlett coming with you?"

"No, we're not together" Levi said, I was shocked to hear that, since I know that it's part of her contract to fool everyone that she and Scarlett are a thing.

But I guess since she's no longer working for the Sinclairs, that gives her freedom to do what she wants.

"I think I've seen her somewhere" Tori suddenly said.

"Uh, your station" I answered, hoping she won't remember anything else. However, the stars are never on my side.

"Oh, right! She's the model you're hiding from, the day I ran into you at the hockey arena" Tori recalled.

"Uhm.. right" I said in an almost whisper.

"Why were you hiding from her?" she asked and sat beside me.

Why do I always find myself on situations like this? Sheesh! I sighed before I answered Tori's question.

"Let's just say she's been asking me the same question as yours. It's just that, I wasn't able to answer her until the day I went to your shop" I replied.

"I see" Tori's face became serious. Is she jealous? I asked myself.

"So, what was your answer to her?" she continued.

"I wouldn't be here if I answered differently than what's obvious" I said and smiled.

Oh, my! She is jealous! She's just too adorable. I thought to myself and I felt butterflies in my stomach flapping.

"Why? Are you jealous?" I teased her and her cheeks immidiately blushed.

"N-no!" she replied defensively.

"Your face betrays you" I told her and giggled.

Then she suddenly placed her hands on my shoulders, and pushed me on the couch.

"I just don't want you to look at anyone else, but me" she said and looked at me with those hypnotic green eyes.

"That's called jealousy, my love" I replied cunningly.

She scoffed and then pressed her lips against mine. The sweet taste of her lips is enough to sweep me off of my feet.

I responded to her kiss and placed my arms around her neck to pull her closer. Her tongue slid inside my mouth and wrestled with mine.

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