Chapter 19: Olivia

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I went out of the ball room and kept walking, not knowing where am I headed. Until, I find myself outside the mansion. I saw a bench and sat on it.

Looks like I'm in a garden, but I don't know if it really is, or just the typical outdoors for rich people.

I let out a deep sigh, I'm still wondering why tears fell from my eyes the moment I heard that Tori got engaged. Maybe I'm losing my marbles, I said to myself.

"I didn't know you are friends with the Sinclairs" a familiar voice said. I looked behind me and saw Levi, wearing a black suit, walking towards me.

"Please, just go away" I replied with a shaky voice. I don't want to talk to anyone right now, specially not her.

"Why? These kind of parties are overwhelming for you?" she asked, slightly laughing.

"For the love of God! Please leave me alone for once!" I snarled at her. I don't know what got into me, but tears started streaming down my eyes again.

I feel really upset on what just happened, but I don't even know if I have the right to feel this way. Tori and I are not even together.

Levi looked at me surprised. I know, this is the first time she saw me crying. I don't want her to find out how weak I am, but I just can't help it.

"I... I'm sorry" Levi said and handed me a handkerchief.

"I don't need it" I told her and turned away.

I felt that she slowly sat beside me, not saying any word.

"Uhmh.. you know it's not wrong to cry if you really had a bad day" she said softly.

I looked at her and she gave me a soft smile.

"Just don't look at me" I said and she nodded.

I leaned my forehead on her shoulders. The comfort I felt from her, just being there by my side let all the tears from my eyes gush down.

I'm upset, I'm hurt, I'm disappointed - those are the feelings I am trying to flush down my body, as I continue to cry on Levi's shoulders.

For once, she's quiet, she's not annoying. She's just here, letting me soak her black suit, patiently listening to my sobs.

After a few minutes, my eyes ran out of tears. I slowly pulled myself together and leaned my back on the bench.

"So you're not gonna tell me what happened?" Levi asked.

"It's nothing" I replied, how can I even tell her what happened if I don't even know why I felt that way.

"Okay, do you want to go back in there? Maybe the Sinclairs are looking for you, after you ditched them" she said.

I looked at her confused and asked

"How did you know that I ditched someone at the party? Were you watching me?"

My question caught her off guard and her cheeks suddenly turned red.

"Ah, no! I was just looking around, then saw you" she answered and looked away from me. She's definitely guilty of spying on me.

"Whatever" I said and rolled my eyes at her.

"You don't want to go back in there, do you?" she insisted getting an answer from me.

"Maybe later"

"If that's the case, c'mon stand up" she commanded and reached out her hand to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"It's a ball, so let's dance. It could help you shake off all those negative vibes around you" she replied and chuckled.

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