Chapter 18: Dorothy

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Tonight is Tori's birthday party. I wore the dress Emily gave me and am now waiting for Joe. My brother already left the city a few days ago and Rey was the one doing all the inventory for the café tonight, so I'll be on this thing -- alone.

I like how the dress looks on me, but I don't have much opinion on how others see me in it.

*Ding* *Dong*

"That must be Joe", I said to myself and walked towards the door.

"Ready to leave madam?" Joe politely asked.

"Yes, please call me Brie. I'm not used to this formal stuff" I told him.

"As you wish, Ms. Brie" he replied. Again, I am not being a hundred percent clear on the things I want.

We drove towards the Sinclair's mansion, my hands became sweaty all of a sudden. I wish this night goes fast and smooth, I prayed to God.

We reached the gates and cars are lining up, dropping off guests on the main door. People with cameras everywhere!

Oh, God! Should I pretend I'm sick, and tell Joe to head back home? I don't like where this is going.

Little by little our car moves forward to the main door. My mind is still trying to decide if I'll step out of the car, or ask Joe to head back.

Then, one of the staff assisting the guests opened the car door. People with cameras looked at me, confused. Maybe because I'm a nobody, attending this prestigious party.

I inhaled deep and with all the  strength I have in me, I stepped out of the car. It felt a little awkward when I tried to walk towards the main door, people staring at me, whispering to one another.

This is exactly the scene I don't want to be in, but why am I doing this for Tori? I asked myself, oh yeah! Because her sister forced me to? I said to myself, but I could have told her - No, if I really don't want to? Right?

Still confused, and just half way to the main door, I heard Emily's voice.

"Hi Brie! Glad you could make it" she said and walked towards me from the main door.

That's the time people around me started to take photos of us. She waved her hand to the staff and all of them tried to stop the people from taking pictures.

"I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable by attending here today" Emily said.

"Not really" I replied trying my best to lie and she just looked at me.

"Okay, fine. A bit, those people outside are scary" I admitted.

"Oh, dear, I'm sorry. I just want my sister to be happy on her birthday. I promise, we'll deal with those press"

"That's not it, what I'm trying to say is that this whole party thing. It just feel that I don't belong here" I explained and she gave me a soft smile.

"You and Dorothy are much alike" I did not understand what she meant by that. She walked with me until we reached a table, a familiar face smiled at me.

"You look gorgeous my dear" Ben said.

"Wow, Ben! I didn't recognize you. You look ten years younger" I replied.

"Sit with grandpa Ben, so you'll be more at ease with this party" Emily said and walked away from us.

"It's nice to know I'll have you as my company tonight. These kind of parties are boring" Ben said slightly laughing.

"Yeah, I'm glad that I have someone I could talk to in this party" I replied.

"So... you and Tori are dating now?" Ben asked and I almost fell from my chair.

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