Chapter 31: Sunrise

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"A sunrise shows you a new beginning for your life. That everytime it's day break, you have a whole new opportunity in this world."

- Dorothy "Tori" Sinclair

Born: January 27, 1990
Death: April 5, 2020


That's one of the most meaningful statement she said to me, which we all agreed to inscribe on her headstone.

We we're married for five amazing months, until she had to rest. Those five months were the best time of my life. My heart is still grieving and I miss my rude artist every damn day.

She did everything to make me happy while she's with me. She may be physically unable to do most things but making me feel loved every each day is not one of them.

Every day, I would wake up early to visit her grave. Afterwards, I'll go to the park where we went to watch the sunrise together. This has been my routine for the last week after her  funeral.

I place the white roses I brought on her headstone, then wiped the tears that rolled down from my eyes. I walked away and got in my car to drive to the park.

This time I decided to sit on a different bench, still facing east so I can watch the sunrise. Just looking at the bench where we sat makes me cry. I got in time just before day break, the cool breeze touching my skin is chilly but the thoughts I have of Tori feels warm.

The sun starts to rise and the sky is filled with yellow, orange color. How I wish Tori is here sitting with me.

"Brie?" I heard someone called me.

I looked behind me, "Oh, hi Emily. Why are you here?"

"Let's just say someone told me to look for you here" she replied.

"I thought you'd be at that bench but I guess she's wrong" she continued and pointed to the one I was supposed to sit.

"I decided not to, just looking at that bench makes me sad" I answered.

"I see, I have something for you" she said and handed a brown box to me. "She instructed me to give this to you when this happens" Emily said, trying to hold back her tears.

"Tori did?" I asked to make sure and she nodded with a weak smile.

I took the box from her and examined how to open it.

"It's locked" I told Emily, still looking for a way to open it.

"The pendant she gave you. If you pull one of the wings of the angel, there's a key concealed in it" she said and I placed my hand over the pendant on my chest.

"I bet it has a lot of things inside. I'll leave now so you can look through them alone" Emily said and turned away.

"Wait, but what is this?" I asked.

"It's a box where we keep our secrets. We used to share that but when I got married, I stopped adding things in it" she answered.

I looked at the box, curious what's inside but scared if my heart can take its contents.

"It's like diving into Tori's heart" Emily assured, maybe she saw the worry in my eyes if I'll open it or not. She walked away, leaving me in my thoughts.

I decided to pull the wing of the angel pendant and it is a key. I never would  have known that, if Emily didn't tell me.

I unlocked the box and it has a lot of stuff inside, but in the middle - there's a neatly folded paper with my name on it. I unfolded it and read what's written.

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